Weizhi Precision PRS-6 Power Distributor First Look



Seriously, I have no life.
... Where does the noise go?

Again, how does this remove the "sound" of the power grid? Oh, right- this product eliminates it without filtering.
It is either magic or trade secret.;):D
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mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
That's an olive branch? Like a peace offering? :confused:
I don't think I want to take any English lessons from you either. :D

For some reason I don't understand he can get away with saying stuff like that here.
I'd really enjoy being told something like that in person. :)
aside from name calling. stuff like that won't be tolerated as well ... from both sides.

still mulling how much trouble i'd get into doing a mass ban of suspected trolls and the troll feeders. not saying there are trolls here, but that someone might just get lumped into the mass ban list i'm preparing.


Audioholic Field Marshall
In the end it’s what you hear and see that counts. When you visit your local Best Buy to purchase a new plasma screen you look at the quality of the picture. Would you actually ask the sales person to show you the measurements before you purchased it? Or would you pick the best looking screen that you could afford?
The problem with what you said there was that when you look at a plasma screen, and compare it to other tv's, you can see the difference. I think you, as well as every other self-proclaimed audiophile would be hard pressed to hear the difference in a double blind test between this power distributor, and one that costs 1/100th the price.

What other product in the world can you think of that costs an arm and a leg, has no measurable effect on anything, and you're supposed to just believe it works, coming from the guy selling them. I can't think of anything like it, except the myriad of other esoteric audiophile items.

I think audioholics should have a shootout, which would either debunk all the snake-oil claims, or prove them correct. Either way it's a plus, because if they're debunked then we have closure and assurance that they don't work, and if theyre proven true then I have ideas for some new business ventures.

And on a side note, it really irks me when people claim things like pure copper from the sea floor or designed by astronauts on the moon. I don't see what the location of the items has to do with what makes it a good product. I'm pretty sure most of the things claimed would be indistinguishable if they were gotten from somewhere else.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Electronics are sensitive to RF, EMI and Micro Vibrations. By reducing or eliminations these disturbances your audio or video gear will perform much better.
Sensitive to micro vibrations? Really? Site site references please, the thresholds, etc. Evidence.

The Weizhi PRS6 was engineered and designed to address these issues in the AC line without adding any sonic fingerprint.
Evidence that it does can be found where? Oh, no, not in those three tests.:eek:

The Chassis is CNC milled from a solid brick of Swiss-made Extra Super Duralumin, which is a type of aluminum that blocks RF.
Oh? And does it block it in the power cables in and out as well? Really? Perhaps the designer is lacking in understanding of the issues.

Also this material is excellent for vibration control, meaning that micro vibrations will not pass through it. The Chassis is then treated with a nanotech coating, inside and outside to block EMI from passing through it.
Evidence please.
And, talking about that micro vibrations from the electrons, what stops those vibrations from being regenerated in the power cable coming out of the box? NOTHING. You don't have anything here.

When electrons pass through wire they create micro vibrations.
Evidence please. Source citations would be good.

The connection points are important to address since this is where a high concentration of micro vibrations occur. Therefore the Top Cover is milled from thick carbon fiber to absorb micro vibrations passing from the power cord plugs into the outlets, keeping these vibrations from entering into the power cords and passing them into your components causing distortions.
You must have a love affair with that 'micro vibrations' don't you? May want to check some research on this.

The outlets must be able the handle high current, high conductivity and give you a strong mechanical grip on the plugs.
You mean other outlets rated for 20A do not?
You are kidding me, right?

The outlets used in the PRS6 are custom made R1 outlets from Japan made from a silver/copper alloy for high conductivity and strength.
So, I can rest knowing that the micro vibrations will not destroy the outlets?

The internal wire used is high purity 6N silver. Silver is the best conductor, and 6N silver is very pure, meaning that it has very few other metals of contaminates, so it can pass the signal along with little or no colorations.
And, what happens to that coloration coming in from the aluminum power lines and copper conductors in the house? Do I need a Bybee filter to remove all the bad electrons?
And, what prevents the coloration created in the power cable from the box to the components?

Perhaps the key element to the Weizhi PRS6 is the graphite grounding module. A special grade of graphite sourced from Germany is used, then chemically treated to enhance it properties. Graphite is known for its excellent vibration control properties, and in the PRS6 the ground wires are passed through this special graphite module effectively removing Ac line distortions, This key element works without filters, therefore it leaves no sonic fingerprint on the music.
But, you don't have the evidence that there are no fingerprints on the music, right?

So in keeping the signal path simple, while eliminating RF, EMI and Micro Vibrations, and not introducing a filter, you can reduce or eliminate distortions feeding your audio and video system without the side effects of filters.
But you cannot as you have not shown this to be the case. Claiming it and demonstrating it in a credible manner are two different animals.
In the end it’s what you hear and see that counts.
Well, one's imagination does count, in this case.

Again I do believe in measurements, but good specifications does not guarantee you the best sound when it comes to Hi-end audio. Why do you think so many audiophiles prefer tube amps over solid state designs...
Ah, the tube sound analogy. Some like it so it must be the measurements that are not telling you the story, right? Actually it does tell you the full story.
Some just like fiction others like reality.


Seriously, I have no life.
Electronics are sensitive to RF, EMI and Micro Vibrations. By reducing or eliminations these disturbances your audio or video gear will perform much better.

The Weizhi PRS6 was engineered and designed to address these issues in the AC line without adding any sonic fingerprint.

The Chassis is CNC milled from a solid brick of Swiss-made Extra Super Duralumin, which is a type of aluminum that blocks RF. Also this material is excellent for vibration control, meaning that micro vibrations will not pass through it. The Chassis is then treated with a nanotech coating, inside and outside to block EMI from passing through it.

When electrons pass through wire they create micro vibrations. The connection points are important to address since this is where a high concentration of micro vibrations occur. Therefore the Top Cover is milled from thick carbon fiber to absorb micro vibrations passing from the power cord plugs into the outlets, keeping these vibrations from entering into the power cords and passing them into your components causing distortions.

The outlets must be able the handle high current, high conductivity and give you a strong mechanical grip on the plugs. The outlets used in the PRS6 are custom made R1 outlets from Japan made from a silver/copper alloy for high conductivity and strength. Then plated with palladium. Palladium is a rare earth metal which is non magnetic and impervious to RF.

The internal wire used is high purity 6N silver. Silver is the best conductor, and 6N silver is very pure, meaning that it has very few other metals of contaminates, so it can pass the signal along with little or no colorations.

Perhaps the key element to the Weizhi PRS6 is the graphite grounding module. A special grade of graphite sourced from Germany is used, then chemically treated to enhance it properties. Graphite is known for its excellent vibration control properties, and in the PRS6 the ground wires are passed through this special graphite module effectively removing Ac line distortions, This key element works without filters, therefore it leaves no sonic fingerprint on the music.

So in keeping the signal path simple, while eliminating RF, EMI and Micro Vibrations, and not introducing a filter, you can reduce or eliminate distortions feeding your audio and video system without the side effects of filters.

In the end it’s what you hear and see that counts. When you visit your local Best Buy to purchase a new plasma screen you look at the quality of the picture. Would you actually ask the sales person to show you the measurements before you purchased it? Or would you pick the best looking screen that you could afford?

Again I do believe in measurements, but good specifications does not guarantee you the best sound when it comes to Hi-end audio. Why do you think so many audiophiles prefer tube amps over solid state designs...
Were the results of the ESD compared with Mu-metal shielding?


Audioholic Jedi
aside from name calling. stuff like that won't be tolerated as well ... from both sides.

still mulling how much trouble i'd get into doing a mass ban of suspected trolls and the troll feeders. not saying there are trolls here, but that someone might just get lumped into the mass ban list i'm preparing.
Mike, this product is plain loopy. I agree we are now beating it to death.

The fact is that this product has no basis in physics, particle physics or otherwise. His electron theory is totally novel with nothing to support it.

At a certain level its humorous. However the damage that totally subjective magazines and the loopy products like this that they so often laud, has a serious downside as I pointed out.

The harm is the dollars it takes out of the system that would have gone to companies that would and could have advanced the state of the art further than it is now.

Peter Walker convinced me years ago of the pernicious and pervasive harm of these magazines and the products they tout.

I would not dream of accepting or getting in striking distance of Brian's Olive branch.

He can send me his outlet box and I'll test it and give you the raw data. That's all we need. End of story. At this time Brian needs to be denied the smallest crumb of credibility.

Aaudio imports

Well with over 90 units sold in the US in the past 6 months my dealers seem to be doing a nice job replacing other brands of power conditioners costing 2-3 times the price.

I usually don't get involved in these Forums, but when I read what Tom had posted I needed to address his unqualified comments.

It really doesn't matter what people are saying in this thread, since nobody here speaks from personal experience with this product.

I sell millions of dollars worth of products that don't work don't you know. Highly educated consumers have been buying my products for the past 20 years now, and they are all snake oil. That's how I have been able to run a successful business.

I am done with this Forum, this is my last posting, cancel for 3 day membership.


Audioholic General
I sell millions of dollars worth of products that don't work don't you know. Highly educated consumers have been buying my products for the past 20 years now, and they are all snake oil. That's how I have been able to run a successful business.
Finally, some honesty!
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
err. was his account hacked or is my sarcasm radar broken?


Audioholic Jedi
err. was his account hacked or is my sarcasm radar broken?
He was being sarcastic, Mike!

If he is not lying though his teeth, then just look at the dollars, that could have helped good struggling legit companies.

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid a lot of very wealthy people are.

In this part of Lakes country there are homes belonging to a lot of wealthy and famous people.

Last summer the very nice young man that helps me with tasks I am not able to do any longer, and runs a lake home service, brought me a recent model lawn mower of good pedigree.

This thing was really trashed. The deck had huge slits and holes and the blades where warn to the stubs. The engine was not functional and that was its second engine!

I said, "Where did you get that?" He told me it had been given to him by one of his clients.

He turns out the guy was CEO of one of America's well known large corporations.

Now I'm telling you during the long restoration of that riding lawnmower, I could not escape the conclusion that this guy was too stupid to own a lawnmower. Now he has to pay Josh to mow his lawn. He is so stupid he should have done that in the first place.

So now Josh has two nice mowers. I found him a nice older JD for a good price the previous year and went right through it for him.


Audioholic Spartan
Passive? Where are the passive parts? It has nothing in the circuit to be passive.
"Passive Conditioning," The words were taken from their web site.
I sarcastically asked what $3,200 sounded like.


Audioholic Slumlord
I could not escape the conclusion that this guy was too stupid to own a lawnmower.
Beyond stupidity it's laziness and indifference. What gets me is going to use somebody's vacuum to clean up after doing home repairs. The last two times I ended up buying new filters but that laziness and indifference as it relates to lawn mowers and vacuums is a minor consideration. If I was a doctor I know I would have come across some slacker and been forced to tell him, "had you been serious about wanting me to save your life you would have cleaned your @ss better, as it is I am afraid you are not going to make it." :D

BTW, I happen to have a couple of these Acoustic Research power strips that claim to be power conditioners as well as surge suppressors. Despite the kind of time I have on my hands I have never even considered trying to listen to them or the various cords I plug into them. However early on I had wondered about various other stupid stuff ... can I still say stupid here or is that now considered audio-unfriendly? :rolleyes: :D

Hey Dave, thanks for leaving the pic up as long as you could. It was from the heart. :)


Seriously, I have no life.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid a lot of very wealthy people are.
If they weren't, we wouldn't have the saying that someone "has more money than brains". If the price doesn't make a dent in their money and the claims seem plausible, meaning "they sound like they could make sense if I actually knew anything about this stuff", wasting $3200 isn't going to be seen as a big deal. OTOH, some of these people will spend tens of thousands of dollars for a six-burner Wolf range and a Sub-Zero refrigerator in their newly remodeled kitchen and when the estimate for the new speakers/volume controls/amplifier in the kitchen/living room/patio, AV receiver and more than 20 hours of installation labor comes in at a little over $4000, they want to ask if the installation can be done for $200-$500 (Finishing up today, hopefully and I didn't discount it after I explained why I wouldn't).

People don't get/stay rich be spending all of their money but they sure do step over the dollars to pick up the nickels.


Audioholics Master Chief
you guys do realize by exerting so much attention on this company its actually driving traffic to their site and potentially generating sales from readers wanting to forgo logic to take a leap of faith on the snake oil being peddled? I learned long ago while debunking cable myths that the principals perpetuating such myths are both incapable and unwilling to reason using logic. They denounce the very scientific principles and process that they attempt to use (more like butcher) to justify the cost and existence of their products. It reminds me of the Black Knight from Monty Python. :D


Seriously, I have no life.
"Passive Conditioning," The words were taken from their web site.
I sarcastically asked what $3,200 sounded like.
I was just wondering how it can be labeled 'passive' with no passive parts in the circuit. Of course it comes from their PR web site.:D

$3200 sound? Well, if that is all in pennies and you drop them from various heights and variable quantities, you probably could create a very nice sound. One should mix some other coins in the mix for even more harmonics.:D


Seriously, I have no life.

I sell millions of dollars worth of products that don't work don't you know. Highly educated consumers have been buying my products for the past 20 years now, and they are all snake oil. That's how I have been able to run a successful business.

I am done with this Forum, this is my last posting, cancel for 3 day membership.
I bet it can be debated how highly educated those customers really are.
But then, gullibility has no bounds nor limited to the less educated ones.


Seriously, I have no life.
you guys do realize by exerting so much attention on this company its actually driving traffic to their site and potentially generating sales from readers wanting to forgo logic to take a leap of faith on the snake oil being peddled? I learned long ago while debunking cable myths that the principals perpetuating such myths are both incapable and unwilling to reason using logic. They denounce the very scientific principles and process that they attempt to use (more like butcher) to justify the cost and existence of their products. It reminds me of the Black Knight from Monty Python. :D
But it is sooo hard to resist not to post:eek:;):D

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