Weizhi Precision PRS-6 Power Distributor First Look



Audioholic Jedi
TLS Guy, I have never seen test equipment with human ears attached...

Try using your ears to judge equipment and how it performs, that may prove helpful. All the test equipment in the world can't take the place of whats already attached to your head. Perfect measurements doesn't mean squat if the product sound like crap.
That is because the human ear is the most fallible piece of test equipment. You are either a con man or highly deluded and vulnerable because you never leaned science.

For starters please give me a plausible explanation as to how a power receptacle or anything in the power line, not actually limiting voltage or current could roll off highs.

The human ear and especially yours are highly subjective and unreliable as you have dishonestly relieving customers of 3299 smackers riding on it. You customer has inherent bias as he does not want to own up to the embarrassment of admitting he fell victim to a $3200 despicable con.

Yes measurements do matter. In a device like yours they will tell you all immediately and prove the fraud.

You still have not come up wit a plausible explanation they could have any plausible basis whatever about how your device could possible work. We have numerous reasons based on sound science and good engineering to be certain that device and a lot of other products on your cite are pure snake oil of the the most egregious kind.

What you site is testimony to is a gross failure of our educational system. Because of such widespread lack of knowledge of the world around us and basic physics, you can persuade people of almost anything.

One of the worst cons is that highly subjective listening trumps objective measurement. That is patently false and ridiculous. So yes based, on sound logic and reasoning I can be 100% certain to know this product and a lot of others on your site are bogus.

You remain in business because of ignorance and stupidity, may be yours, but certainly your customers. The largest benefit of the doubt I can give you is that you are an ignorant gullible fool. It is all down hill after that.

So send me a unit. Lets see what it does, If it cleans a signal, they will be easy to shown. If it does what you say I will prove it for you. If it does nothing, same in as out, then you are proven con artist of the worst type and need to mend your ways.

The shame of it is your customers cold be spending that cash using logical principles and reliable information, not worthless anecdotal reports from Audiophools, to make quantifiable and worthwhile improvements to their systems.

On your site all they will get are fairy tales and outright lies.


Most of my dealers offer a 30 day money back on this product. The quality of the power cord you use will not effect this units performance, instead you will hear exactly how the power cord sounds. So choose a power cord which sounds best to you. Since the unit is wired with silver I do recommend silver power cords for proper matching, but I have also heard excellent results with good copper cords.

We also have 3 online reviews of this product which can be seen on my website. More reviews are in the works and will be online soon.
Any in Minnesota? Are the reviews Subjective, Objective or both? Do any of the reviews use industry accepted evaluation methods as prescribed by AES?


According to Babylon, it's a chat room and a forum.

Regardless; most of the comments I see in these type forums are completely useless. Just people talking without any real knowledge or useful information, with absolutely no experience about the product they are commenting on.

So If you’re looking for real life experiences about a product you may be interested in, good luck finding it here.
For my part I don't mind having a conversation sans the name calling, on all parts of all parties.

The name calling can stop NOW or the thread can be locked. Even when in violent disagreement decorum is more than possible it is a requirement.

Now with that out of the way: Things that seemed like a phenomenon in the past are now fully explained by the scientific approach of research and measurement.

Your product being no different. Since you're product makes the claim to passively condition power you have an input and you have an output. A black box in between that performs some function. Trust me at 60Hz it is indeed measurable. We aren't talking anything exotic.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'll put quotation marks around your comments, so I can respond to each, separately.

"It’s interesting to read all these negative comments about a product that nobody in this thread has personally tested in their music or video system. All these people honestly think they know a product, and how it performs without ever listening because they can’t understand why it should work. Well then none of your opinions really matter..."

If the results of your product can't be measured, any increase/decrease in performance must be subjective. That's usually called an 'opinion'. This link has some definitions of the word:

"The Weizhi PRS6 is not a powerline conditioner, it's not a filter. In fact it has no electronic parts inside. This product works by using proper materials in the right places."

Assuming the receptacles aren't on the outside of the case, they're in the right places, even if the case material was wood, plastic, etc. "Proper materials"- hmmm. Who decided which materials are proper?

"If you have a big investment in your Audio or Home Theater system, then you know clean power is very important to achieve great performance from your gear. Most people use powerline filters, transformers, regulators and surge protectors of various brands to clean their power. Many of these products are very complex with lots of parts being used. Some of these do work quite well, but the problem is they are not invisible. Filters & conditioners leave their signature on the sound, while transformers tend to compress dynamics, and don’t even bother investing in a high end system if you’re going to plug it into a surge protector."

Clean power IS important but I'd like to see where this is actually available. 'Clean' would have to include stable voltage as one of its characteristics, right? Unless someone has their own power source, I don't know of anyone on the nation's power grid who has access to truly clean power.

"The Weizhi PRS6 will not soften or roll off the high frequencies, it will not compress the dynamics when the volume is turned up, it will not alter the tone of instruments or vocals, it will not mess up the delicate timing and pace of the music, and it will not add or take away anything from the original music or video source. What it will do is allow the power to pass through without the line noise attached, Simple & Pure."

You just claimed that it removes line noise. Show this. If you can't, your product doesn't work.

Wait, what? How would a power conditioner that works with only the power supply input possibly affect the "delicate timing and pace of the music" if the signal doesn't pass through it? A synchronous motor uses the 60Hz waveform to maintain its speed without being affected by line voltage fluctuations and that was the reason a lot of turntable manufacturers used them. DC motors are less prone to transmitting vibrations to the platter (especially belt driven) but they are susceptible to speed changes with voltage variations. Digital music has a clock frequency- are you claiming that these timing and pace variations are so large that people can hear them when your product has been removed?

"The Weizhi PRS6 was designed to eliminate the noise from your mains without filtering it. You see it’s best to keep the signal path simple and use better materials, than to pass the signal through hundreds of parts or miles of transformer wire. Clean mains power is the foundation of your system, and without it your (you're- it's a contraction that means 'you are') amplifying grunge."

Again, you claim something but use your own definition of words to make your claims. If it eliminates noise, what's the difference between using 'eliminates' and 'filters'? Where does the noise go?

It's good to keep the signal path simple, using better materials when they make a demonstrable difference but when the electric company sends power to us through a grid that contains many transformers at nearby poles and sub-stations, I fail to see how you can claim that anyone is getting clean power.

"Most of my dealers offer a 30 day money back on this product. The quality of the power cord you use will not effect this units performance, instead you will hear exactly how the power cord sounds. So choose a power cord which sounds best to you. Since the unit is wired with silver I do recommend silver power cords for proper matching, but I have also heard excellent results with good copper cords."

Again, how does this remove the "sound" of the power grid? Oh, right- this product eliminates it without filtering.

"We also have 3 online reviews of this product which can be seen on my website. More reviews are in the works and will be online soon."

Why would you post bad reviews on your website?

We all know the human mind can ignore or emphasize what the sensory organs receive. When a listener wants to hear something, usually because
they were told what they would hear, they often do. When the device is expensive, they may want to justify the expense by claiming that they hear the difference. If the investment is time & effort or money, positive results are a good thing.

You're asking people to accept the claims on faith. Do you sell Speaker Bullets, too?
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Audioholic Slumlord
LISTEN with your EARS before you open your MOUTH.
(Sorry Alex, but I kept the picture up for awhile - majorloser)

(censor that if you must but it has been earned)

According to Babylon, it's a chat room and a forum.
Babylon? You should see if they have a definition for 6-way and rip-off.

Regardless; most of the comments I see in these type forums are completely useless. Just people talking without any real knowledge or useful information, with absolutely no experience about the product they are commenting on.
I've got lots of 6-ways. Probably like one in every room, some rooms have two. There's really not much to know. You plug the cord into a wall and then you plug other cords into them. When I store them I like to plug them into themselves but that's pretty advanced and outside the scope of this post.

So If you’re looking for real life experiences about a product you may be interested in, good luck finding it here.
Uhmmm ... amidst all that gear that TLS has I am pretty sure that there is a 6-way.
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Aaudio imports

Just listen.....

Jinjuku, If you are interested in listening to the Weizhi PRS6 please call me anytime to arrange this. You can easily find my contact information on my website.

Obviously measurements are important and necessary. But in the end Listening is the final test. It’s not that difficult to design a product with excellent measurements. Unfortunately that doesn’t always guarantee you will have a great sounding product.

Many things can affect the sound which are not easy to measure such as vibration control of the chassis, skin effect of the wire, proper grounding, RF & EMI interference to name a few. Have you ever read a review in Stereophile of a product that measured well, but the writer didn’t care for the sound? Can a power distributor be measured by the standard test equipment when it has no electronic parts inside?

Use your EARS my friends. If that doesn’t work then spend your money on something else.

There is nothing more to say here, either you listen to the product or you stop talking since nothing useful is coming out of your face.


Audioholic General
There is nothing more to say here, either you listen to the product or you stop talking since nothing useful is coming out of your face.
If you really wanted to convince people to give you a chance you would be better off offering a product for testing/review. Insulting people won't get you very far.


Audioholic Spartan
It also appears you don't have a clue about what makes a product like this work so well, or the level of R&D and special machinery that’s needed to build a product like this.
Kind Regards,
Brian Ackerman
President: Aaudio imports
You're correct; I don't understand how this product works.
Could you please help us to understand........you know.......without the name calling?

Try using your ears to judge equipment and how it performs, that may prove helpful. All the test equipment in the world can't take the place of what's already attached to your head. Perfect measurements doesn't mean squat if the product sound like crap.
I don't really know where to start:
How would we determine what $3,200 worth of "Passive Conditioning" sounds like?

I can buy a $2.00 bottle of mouth wash and it will list the chemicals on the label and tell my exactly how it will help freshen my breath, etc.
We can't do this with your product, it has no active Ingredients. (so to speak)
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Audioholic Field Marshall
You keep saying that we should listen to the product, and not to bother with the measurements or science behind it. If you want to know why your ears aren't as accurate for measuring and testing differences, then simply watch this video:


Your brain can trick you into hearing things that aren't actually there. I'll just trick myself into thinking that everything in my apartment is wired with silver, and that my surge protectors are all coated in 100% genuine snake oil used as engine fuel on NASA rockets. It makes the midrange more chocolaty :D


Audioholic General
Preferably from a more objective reviewer. Anyone can call themselves a reviewer and use flowery language but none of those are of particularly substantial import if one really wants to get real information on a product.


Seriously, I have no life.
....because they can’t understand why it should work.
Then, by all means, tell us how it does what you claim it does if you know it so well how it does it. Don't just type worthless words, explain in detail. Throw in the math, theories, tests, etc. Don't bother with anecdotes and such nonsense bs.
Well then none of your opinions really matter...
And, yours should matter because why??? You tried it? LOL.

.... In fact it has no electronic parts inside. This product works by using proper materials in the right places.
Oh, really? What materials in what places? And how and why would that do what you claim? More explanations with graphs, formulas, etc, not bs pseudo talk.

.... What it will do is allow the power to pass through without the line noise attached, Simple & Pure.
Since it is so simple to you, tell us how this is done. Don't bother if you don't have science behind it as you don't.
The Weizhi PRS6 was designed to eliminate the noise from your mains without filtering it.
Oh, by magic. I see.

.... You see it’s best to keep the signal path simple and use better materials, than to pass the signal through hundreds of parts or miles of transformer wire. Clean mains power is the foundation of your system, and without it your amplifying grunge.
I guess you just have no idea then, right?

We also have 3 online reviews of this product which can be seen on my website. More reviews are in the works and will be online soon.


Audioholic Jedi
Uhmmm ... amidst all that gear that TLS has I am pretty sure that there is a 6-way.
I use strips fixed to the back if the racks for the lower powered equipment all supplied via UPS. There is whole house protection also.

The power amp case is on three circuits, with dedicated receptacles. Note the robust copper star cluster grounding system. That does eliminate noise and I know why and how, and I think the rest of you do as well with one obvious exception.

It really is beyond the pale hawking these bogus so called "audiophile tweaks." You might think it harmless, but it isn't. It starves good honest companies with qualified R & D and design engineers of cash. Every dollar spent on idiocy, like we have been talking about delays progress and we are all the poorer for it.

My friend the Peter Walker knew that all too well. If you think I'm angry about it, he was really steamed, and railed about it often.

All of us really have to confront this nonsense vigorously at every opportunity.

This president of Aaudio Imports gave us a Heaven sent opportunity to do just that.

The best part is that it has made this thread move higher up the Google ladder. Anyone looking for that device will run into this thread first and hopefully get an education.

Thanks to everyone of you who have helped vigorously confront this nonsense.



Regardless of your feelings on this, Brian has extended the olive branch. Let's not take it out of his hands and beat him over the head with it.

Currently I am embroiled in a thread at PF because a poster had a $350 budget for Amplification and Pre. I suggested an SRC 2496 and A500 or Crown XLS 402d vs an HK 3490 based on SQ being the priority. The messages flew... It's not fun being on the receiving end especially when you feel you are in the right. Brian came here to defend his baby, he's been given an equitable opportunity that he seems willing to participate in. No one likes to hear their baby called ugly.

To Brian: I am currently working on what I would consider my reference 2.0 setup with the Jim Holtz Mission Statemens (google it if you don't know). I am really planning on pushing for a mid January completion date. Let me know if your more than resonable offer can extend till there-abouts. Just too crazy with the silly season upon me.

Best regards all,

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
like jinjuku said, you can argue, but no name calling.


Audioholic Samurai
I think this is my favorite thread, ever.

The quality of the power cord you use will not effect this units performance, instead you will hear exactly how the power cord sounds.


I've never listened to my powercords.

What do yours tell you?

Do you answer back?

How does that make you feel? :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.

Try using your ears to judge equipment and how it performs, ....
Now it is clear how this *** product was developed. No science, no nothing. I guess the Barnum Effect is the sole support and thesis for this product.
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Seriously, I have no life.
So send me a unit. Lets see what it does, ....
How can it possibly do anything more than being a power receptacle. He told us it has no electrical parts in it. Magic is in Las Vegas.;):D

Tests? Is that what you call them? Really? I see a bunch of nonsense and bs.

I don't really know where to start:
How would we determine what $3,200 worth of "Passive Conditioning" sounds like?

Passive? Where are the passive parts? It has nothing in the circuit to be passive.
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Aaudio imports

Electronics are sensitive to RF, EMI and Micro Vibrations. By reducing or eliminations these disturbances your audio or video gear will perform much better.

The Weizhi PRS6 was engineered and designed to address these issues in the AC line without adding any sonic fingerprint.

The Chassis is CNC milled from a solid brick of Swiss-made Extra Super Duralumin, which is a type of aluminum that blocks RF. Also this material is excellent for vibration control, meaning that micro vibrations will not pass through it. The Chassis is then treated with a nanotech coating, inside and outside to block EMI from passing through it.

When electrons pass through wire they create micro vibrations. The connection points are important to address since this is where a high concentration of micro vibrations occur. Therefore the Top Cover is milled from thick carbon fiber to absorb micro vibrations passing from the power cord plugs into the outlets, keeping these vibrations from entering into the power cords and passing them into your components causing distortions.

The outlets must be able the handle high current, high conductivity and give you a strong mechanical grip on the plugs. The outlets used in the PRS6 are custom made R1 outlets from Japan made from a silver/copper alloy for high conductivity and strength. Then plated with palladium. Palladium is a rare earth metal which is non magnetic and impervious to RF.

The internal wire used is high purity 6N silver. Silver is the best conductor, and 6N silver is very pure, meaning that it has very few other metals of contaminates, so it can pass the signal along with little or no colorations.

Perhaps the key element to the Weizhi PRS6 is the graphite grounding module. A special grade of graphite sourced from Germany is used, then chemically treated to enhance it properties. Graphite is known for its excellent vibration control properties, and in the PRS6 the ground wires are passed through this special graphite module effectively removing Ac line distortions, This key element works without filters, therefore it leaves no sonic fingerprint on the music.

So in keeping the signal path simple, while eliminating RF, EMI and Micro Vibrations, and not introducing a filter, you can reduce or eliminate distortions feeding your audio and video system without the side effects of filters.

In the end it’s what you hear and see that counts. When you visit your local Best Buy to purchase a new plasma screen you look at the quality of the picture. Would you actually ask the sales person to show you the measurements before you purchased it? Or would you pick the best looking screen that you could afford?

Again I do believe in measurements, but good specifications does not guarantee you the best sound when it comes to Hi-end audio. Why do you think so many audiophiles prefer tube amps over solid state designs...


Audioholic Slumlord
stop talking since nothing useful is coming out of your face.
Brian has extended the olive branch. Let's not take it out of his hands and beat him over the head with it.
That's an olive branch? Like a peace offering? :confused:
I don't think I want to take any English lessons from you either. :D

For some reason I don't understand he can get away with saying stuff like that here.
I'd really enjoy being told something like that in person. :)

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