I really don't have any issue using either or method of controlling volume or gain. The only hiss I ever hear is if it's in the recording itself. Some recordings it's only at the beginning. Almost as if the engineer took a bit to correct it, or that it was present at the song intro, and then that dirty little bit was spliced to the rest of the recording. I notice this mostly on older, or older, private label recordings. It may give clue as to how many of our recordings are assembled in the studio, minus the producer saying. . . ."cut."
These days, I find Windows Media Player, or Cyberlink Power Media Player to work as well as anything. I like the convenience of the cyberlink player. Has all my stored music with the thumbs of the album covers and I am used to it, more than anything else.
Alternately, the most I ever hear about noise is with people who have other hardware in the mix, including DACs in the chain or some of the other connectivity options outside of analog.