Nor do I want to get around it. That "poor medium" still sounds superior to my ears.
Oh, nothing wrong with that. After all, your preference cannot be tested very well.
It has a warmth to it that seems lacking in digital.
Well, that is yet another perception if you like euphonic reproduction of the original music.
Music is analog.
But the signal to your brain is not. It is in packets of digital signals.

However, so is the music from a CD at the speaker terminals. And, very accurate to the original master recorded, a far cry for vinyls.
The way to listen to it is through quality analog reproducers.
Yes, speakers need to be good and that is what many speaker makers are working on, accuracy and low distortion at all levels of input.
[ Truly there is a sterility to digital.
No. Truly it is very accurate to the mastering.
I believe if you've grown up with digital that's how you think the music should sound.
Actually I used to listen to vinyl a lot. Not convincing compared to a good CD of it.
Or thinking that Prago or Ragu is actually good spaghetti sauce.
I'd like to do a good DBT on this