Thanks for the giant Jpeg....This movie was fairly forgettable. In fact I already have. i really don't get all the Tom Cruise hate? why? because he is a weird scientologist? who cares? wasn't it Travolta that made the abysmal L.Ron Hubbard movie ? I really don't let stars off screen antics get in the way of movie enjoyment. Brad and Angie are together now there not...snore...who cares? I just saw "Apocalypto" for the first time last night, the fact that Mel is a nutjob didn't really influence my opinion of the movie, why should it? I am not sleeping with him. If Tom cruise loves Katie enough to dance around on Oprah's couch what do I care? Any respectable movie buff shouldn't be watching that brain draining day time tv anyway. If you have the afternoon off go to the movies!