UPDATED: Mark L. Schifter, PLEADS GUILTY to suspicion of charity fraud

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Audioholic Ninja
Interesting. The lack of updates after they wiped all the information I thought was strange from the BBB.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
If you got any of those, send them my way. I take it that was pre-boob job.


Senior Audioholic
On August 13, 2010, Mark L. Schifter plead guilty to two charges.

Theft (F3) - felony - theft of $15,000 or more
Charitable Fraud (F5) - felony

Sentencing will take place on October 8, 2010. Further information as it becomes available.
So, the other charges are dropped / gone and he plead guilt to those two?


Audioholic Intern
Maybe it's an engagement ring. You don't think Mark would have lied to her, would you?


Full Audioholic
just google up "speaker site:av123.com/manuals/" and get them while they last.
That link offered access to some of the manuals, but I found a stash around here with even more and have combined the two. Anybody looking for a manual for a piece of AV123 gear can start here. The folder was already there with a couple copies of deleted AV123 Forum threads and a draft of the MFW-15 manual (although I think there was a later copy of that manual in circulation that was less dreadfully rough around the edges). There are a few repeats in the mix, for reasons that I cannot explain.


Audioholic Intern
Not that it matters diddly squat and also doesn't do a damn thing getting your amp Steve.... but I can say at least ONE positive thing.... it was because of AV123 that I was fortunate enough to meet you and share a nice afternoon drinking wine and learning about your family. Are you still in the wine club of that particular winery? They had some pretty tasty juice for sure.
That was a great day wasn't it : ) Fun times. I'm not a wine club member there anymore. I had to stop for financial reasons a couple years ago. But I still do enjoy their wine and I have a few bottles here that I break out once in a blue moon.



Class 3 Min : 4 years / 3,000 dollar fine Max: 12 years / 750,000 dollar fine
Class 5 Min: 1 year / 1,000 dollar fine Max: 3 years / 100,000 dollar fine

So from 5 to 15 years, and 4k$ to 850k$ fine?

Then there's the guilty plea, which might reduce the sentence... http://www.philcherner.com/publications/Feb2010_CriminalLaw_2010-02.pdf then all kinds of other complexities which again might reduce it... But from the doc, seems like at least 50% of time is served in prison...

So since he pleaded guilty, prison time is pretty much guaranteed now? We need a lawyer in the house!
Not a lawyer here but I'm guessing because there was a plea and he has no prior record (I think) he will receive the minimum prison sentance and it will be suspended. The money part he can't get out of and will be required to pay restitution if they can figure out to whom. Again, all my opinion.


Now that Schifty has pled guilty in state court to theft, he probably has teed up a suit in federal court by the IRS. The stolen funds would be treated as income for federal (and probably state) income tax purposes and, unless Schifty reported this income on his Form 1040s and paid the taxes, he would be guilty of federal income tax evasion and would face a federal prison sentence.


Audioholic Ninja
Have you guys seen this guys amp (post #644). It might be a good thing not continuing with the 451 amps replacements. They have been anything but reliable and I would hate to think there is a potential saftey problem (after looking at this pic).

You will have to pay something out of your pocket but the odds of getting a reliable product is much greater.


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Those were some pictures, weren't they? Did the board fry because of a problem in design or manufacture? Did it fry because of what it's connected to? We'll never know I think.


Audioholic Intern
That is one reason why I have been trying to find a lower cost amp to work. I have the Turbo kit that is a pretty killer UPGRADE, but I am now working on finding a lower cost replacement for those just wanting to get their subs back up and running.

All the updates will first hit on my section of seatons formum here


Have you guys seen this guys amp (post #644). It might be a good thing not continuing with the 451 amps replacements. They have been anything but reliable and I would hate to think there is a potential saftey problem (after looking at this pic).

You will have to pay something out of your pocket but the odds of getting a reliable product is much greater.

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