Unless someone knows how much they actually pay and on what, it's a matter of looking at the tax code to make changes. If you made more being employed by someone and your return showed that you owe the same as you do now, would you pay more out of the kindness of your heart? I doubt it. You worked for it, you should keep as much of it as possible.
That covers employment tax/FICA, what if you saved your butt off in protected accounts, to prevent being over-taxed in the future, collected various items and used them to add value AND pay capital gains tax, rather than at the rate from being employed? The tax code is said to be full of loopholes- people who don't have a lot say it, members of Congress harp on that constantly but do you really think ANY of those bastards pass on them in order to be able to say they think it's wrong to use the tax code to their advantage (especially Pelosi, whose husband has a hedge fund)?
Boo hoo- we toil....blah, blah, blah. What do most people do to make them richer? If someone works for a corporation, they make the investors richer if it performs well.
BTW, it's 'wealthier'- rich is paltry.