Wow, sorry to hear that and glad to hear she is OK. I have always carried more insurance than what is specified as "required", even keeping full coverage on cars I own outright. I think my new policy is 300K, but previously always had it at 150K.
There is always the possibility of getting sufficient range of motion back too. I broke all the bones in my right hand and the doctor said I would never have full range of motion either. I didn't for a long time, but I do now. After a bad car accident also, they said I would never walk without a limp and that isn't the case

Both thanks to physical therapy. I had to argue with my doctor to recommend it for my leg (in order for the insurance company to approve it)! He said "You're young, you'll heal." Ummmm, I couldn't
WALK. Took me at least a month before I could even stand up on my own.