TXTing while driving...



Audioholic Jedi
Wow, sorry to hear that and glad to hear she is OK. I have always carried more insurance than what is specified as "required", even keeping full coverage on cars I own outright. I think my new policy is 300K, but previously always had it at 150K.

There is always the possibility of getting sufficient range of motion back too. I broke all the bones in my right hand and the doctor said I would never have full range of motion either. I didn't for a long time, but I do now. After a bad car accident also, they said I would never walk without a limp and that isn't the case :) Both thanks to physical therapy. I had to argue with my doctor to recommend it for my leg (in order for the insurance company to approve it)! He said "You're young, you'll heal." Ummmm, I couldn't WALK. Took me at least a month before I could even stand up on my own.
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Audioholic Warlord
Thanks for asking, my wife is doing much better. However, she will never recover full range of motion in her arms and wrists.

It was a she and no nothing really happed to her other than losing her car which was totaled. State Farm my insurance company tried to go after the parents also but nothing to get. It would have cost them more to try and recover cost than it was worth.

Here is a kicker... I had to sue my own insurance company to get the UM coverage that I had paid for over 20 years without a claim. All I can say is everyone needs UM coverage. Roughly 25% of all drivers don't have insurance and another 25% have the basic coverage required by their state law. I am here to tell you that my 150000.00 policy was completly used in medical, lost wages ect...
You had to sue your insyrance company to live up to coverage included in your policy!? :eek: What's up with that? I hope the settlement covered your legal costs as well. You should've been awarded punitive damages too, because they tried to blow you off.:mad:

Best wishes for your wife's recovery.


Junior Audioholic
Wow, sorry to hear that and glad to hear she is OK. I have always carried more insurance than what is specified as "required", even keeping full coverage on cars I own outright. I think my new policy is 300K, but previously always had it at 150K.

Well you need to check for UM ie. Uninsured\UnderInsured coverage on your policy. Typically, you have to ask for it to be included as your agent does not make much return on the seperate UM policy.

We are from Florida and it is a no fault state. That allows what is called stacking of the policy limits. My 150 on each of my 5 autos would have offered 750 thousand in coverage. Well, when we moved to Texas my new insurance agent never informed me of the change. I guess I should have asked.

As for the girl that hit my wife. She did lose her car and spent some time in the hospital. However, I don't think she really understands what she cost us in the past year.


Audioholic Jedi
In California it is a little harder to be an UM these days because you can't register a car here without insurance. They are still out there though.


Junior Audioholic
Same here in Texas.. problem is insurance companies sell policies with monthly payments. They get insurance for a month and register the car and that is the last of the insurance payments.


Audioholic Jedi
Same here in Texas.. problem is insurance companies sell policies with monthly payments. They get insurance for a month and register the car and that is the last of the insurance payments.
I am fairly certain here if your insurance cancels, the insurance company has to report it to the DMV here and if it has not be replaced by another policy, they will cancel your registration as well. I changed my insurance and received a letter saying that if I did not have a new policy, this is what would happen.


Junior Audioholic
That does not stop them from driving. It is registered and they have tags on the auto. In Florida they had a LEO in each county whose job was that once the info came in that your insuance was dropped they would make a trip to your house and pull our tags.


Audioholic Overlord
Thanks for asking, my wife is doing much better. However, she will never recover full range of motion in her arms and wrists.

It was a she and no nothing really happed to her other than losing her car which was totaled. State Farm my insurance company tried to go after the parents also but nothing to get. It would have cost them more to try and recover cost than it was worth.

Here is a kicker... I had to sue my own insurance company to get the UM coverage that I had paid for over 20 years without a claim. All I can say is everyone needs UM coverage. Roughly 25% of all drivers don't have insurance and another 25% have the basic coverage required by their state law. I am here to tell you that my 150000.00 policy was completly used in medical, lost wages ect...
that's really sad


Audioholic Jedi
That does not stop them from driving. It is registered and they have tags on the auto. In Florida they had a LEO in each county whose job was that once the info came in that your insuance was dropped they would make a trip to your house and pull our tags.
Here, they just came out with those crazy new patrol trucks that they drive down the street with cameras on them. It checks the plates of all the cars it sees and automatically checks those plates for registration issues and outstanding fines. No matter what they do, stupid people still find a way to do stupid things. Whether or not there are laws, the won't catch everyone.


Audioholic Overlord
Here, they just came out with those crazy new patrol trucks that they drive down the street with cameras on them. It checks the plates of all the cars it sees and automatically checks those plates for registration issues and outstanding fines. No matter what they do, stupid people still find a way to do stupid things. Whether or not there are laws, the won't catch everyone.
I think we should have traffic cameras for speeding, school zones, dwi and send people tickets in the mail. It makes no sense why we don't.

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