TXTing while driving...



Audioholic Jedi
Back to the topic, I take offense to calling these people "stupid".
I, like I think others, wasn't calling the people stupid - I was calling their actions stupid. "Stupid is as stupid does." There are likely other more specific and applicable terms, completely depending on each individual's knowledge and experience. Reckless would apply to some, ignorant to others. "Stupid" was just a convenient term to use in general. I agree, though, that this can't be completely generalized and still be true.


Audioholic Overlord
There are days when the only times I get to sit down are in my car and on the throne. Fortunately I haven't confused those lately.
That's good. It could make for a pretty messy car if you did.


Audioholic Slumlord
While frowned upon, its not illegal.
I thought distracted driving was illegal. I thought reckless endangerment was illegal. I thought negligence was illegal. I thought that there would be like a whole list of categories that that texting while driving a car would fall under that would make it illegal. C'mon ... you want to do it? Great. Knock yourself out. If I get into an accident with a texter there's a real strong possibility of me beating them into utter humiliation and then maybe breaking there f^%*ing thumbs. That although illegal would be cheered by ... oh, I don't know ... everyone?


Audioholic General
You all are missing the real picture here. Everyone should be sterilized at birth and only once they prove their worth to society are they allowed to reverse the procedure.

This would stop the moronic cell phone drivers from reproducing further generations of idiots.

I, like I think others, wasn't calling the people stupid
I am


Audioholic Overlord
I thought distracted driving was illegal. I thought reckless endangerment was illegal. I thought negligence was illegal. I thought that there would be like a whole list of categories that that texting while driving a car would fall under that would make it illegal. C'mon ... you want to do it? Great. Knock yourself out. If I get into an accident with a texter there's a real strong possibility of me beating them into utter humiliation and then maybe breaking there f^%*ing thumbs. That although illegal would be cheered by ... oh, I don't know ... everyone?
In all seriouaness, I agree with you.

But the REAL issue here is that we really don't need NEW laws.

We just need to enforce the ones that already exist. That's the bain of many, many problems in this country, and it goes well beyond driving.

And, even though he so deserves to have the bejeezus beat out of him for jepoaridizing you and othere, the texter would probably sue the shiite out of you, and win.


Audioholic Warlord
Back to the topic, I take offense to calling these people "stupid". Ignorant yes, but to blanket traffic texters with "stupid" is a little harsh. While frowned upon, its not illegal. While irresponsible, they're not technically doing anything wrong.

There are days when the only times I get to sit down are in my car and on the throne. Fortunately I haven't confused those lately. Its a fast paced society and for some they feel like its their best opportunity. Its a phenomenon driven by the demands of our society. Ban it.

If the fines and penalties are steep enough, people will stop. With the economic conditions, municipalities would be CRAZY not to enforce and rake the dollars in. People do it cause they can- not being able to text is a MINOR inconvenience compared to finding a cab to haul your drunk a$$ home after a night of drinking and I see that all the time.

Most importantly, a ban on something like this would be a huge wake up to the general public on how dangerous it is. I don't drink and drive for two reasons... the legal consequences and its just not safe.
It's illegal here. $165 fine for the first offence. But, hands-free use is permitted. I don't agree with that, because studies have shown that the mental distraction alone constitutes the greatest danger.

People are still doing it though. :mad: So, punishment alone isn't enough. If severe penalties were sufficient as a dissuader, there wouldn't be any murders...


Audioholic Slumlord
People are still doing it though. :mad: So, punishment alone isn't enough. If severe penalties were sufficient as a dissuader, there wouldn't be any murders...
It's a matter of conditioning, society modification if you will. You're no doubt aware of how cool it is to be wicked nerdy and gay. Well, you put the same effort into making it cool to drive the speed limit with both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Make a sit com where this Safety Super Hero drives around the country (this country, not your country) and has super models clamoring to get in his car and make whoopy after he executes a perfect parallel park every time he needs to make a call or send a text. It would take a few years but you would see results. It's a monkey see monkey do world.


Audioholic Jedi
It's a monkey see monkey do world.
Does that also apply to super models? "Hey, I saw this show where models were nailing guys that drove properly. That guy just stopped at a crosswalk. Let's get some!"


Audioholic Slumlord
Does that also apply to super models?
I was at the grocery store and I asked to have everything double bagged. Whole Foods uses paper bags with handles that invariably come unglued somewhere in between the fofo and the condo. I find it infuriating. The pierced and tattooed numbskull whose head that I'd like to pop like a pimple that is responsible for this disaster is miles away saving the planet by continuing to single bag stuff. So ... I politely ask to have everything double bagged.

"Do you want the milk in a bag too?" :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yes, Adam ... super models are a part of this WORLD !!! :D


I've yet to use my phone to send a single text
Working in IT I'm used to pagers & calling to respond
I see so many people driving while talking & weaving across the road


Audioholic Warlord
Back to the topic, I take offense to calling these people "stupid". Ignorant yes, but to blanket traffic texters with "stupid" is a little harsh. While frowned upon, its not illegal. While irresponsible, they're not technically doing anything wrong.

There are days when the only times I get to sit down are in my car and on the throne. Fortunately I haven't confused those lately. Its a fast paced society and for some they feel like its their best opportunity. Its a phenomenon driven by the demands of our society. Ban it.

If the fines and penalties are steep enough, people will stop. With the economic conditions, municipalities would be CRAZY not to enforce and rake the dollars in. People do it cause they can- not being able to text is a MINOR inconvenience compared to finding a cab to haul your drunk a$$ home after a night of drinking and I see that all the time.

Most importantly, a ban on something like this would be a huge wake up to the general public on how dangerous it is. I don't drink and drive for two reasons... the legal consequences and its just not safe.
In the world that I live in it's illegal to drive uncaustiously, so if your're reckless by definition you're driving illegally.... so for me, this is not only stupid actions, but also stupid people.... I call a spade for a spade

Stupid is as stupid does.....


Driving while distracted is against the law...So why do we need to ban each little thing like texting or talking on cell without hands free....Where is the no shaving and no lipstick etc separate laws when just plain ol Driving while distracted covers all and then some.


Audioholic Jedi
Driving while distracted is against the law...So why do we need to ban each little thing like texting or talking on cell without hands free....Where is the no shaving and no lipstick etc separate laws when just plain ol Driving while distracted covers all and then some.
The problem is, the law doesn't say anything about being stupid. Can't really enforce that either, so the law has to be specific about the sort of obvious things that stupid people do that contribute to accidents. If you really look at them, most laws are designed to protect us from ourselves.


Audioholic Samurai
When I lived in Orlando, I had 5 mile drive to work that took me through part of downtown Orlando. The things I saw people doing while driving would make me agree with the phrase "Some people are stupid". Texting while driving especially in traffic is inexcusable. There are too many ways to communicate in a vehicle without having to look down or away from the road. Hands free devices are sold in almost all gas stations, groceries, etc,...

Off topic, I believe some people do need protection from themselves. Mr. & Mrs. Obese for example, that are eating their fourth bacon double cheeseburger of the day. If nutritional info is posted, like cigarette labels, perhaps they would make more responsible decisions.

Yep, I'm an ex smoker (8 years), organic food eating, exercising, no cell phone havin' kinda guy.


Junior Audioholic
Texting and driving is a bad idea. I think that KIA is offering
voice activated texting o some of their new cars.
Great just what we need.
Did you ever see that 1000 ways to die story on texting?


Junior Audioholic
Last March my wife was stopped at a school zone waiting on a crossing guard. A 19 year old rear ended doing an estimated 55 miles per hour without ever touching the brakes. Guess what? Texting while driving and no insurance. I was fortunate as I had UM coverage. However, my wife was out of work for 9 months and required 4 surgeries.

IMHO it needs to be banned.


Audioholic Warlord
Last March my wife was stopped at a school zone waiting on a crossing guard. A 19 year old rear ended doing an estimated 55 miles per hour without ever touching the brakes. Guess what? Texting while driving and no insurance. I was fortunate as I had UM coverage. However, my wife was out of work for 9 months and required 4 surgeries.

IMHO it needs to be banned.
ooooooooooooooooouch..... :eek::eek::eek:
Is your wife ok now?

Did this animal end up in a small cell where he belongs?


Junior Audioholic
ooooooooooooooooouch..... :eek::eek::eek:
Is your wife ok now?

Did this animal end up in a small cell where he belongs?
Thanks for asking, my wife is doing much better. However, she will never recover full range of motion in her arms and wrists.

It was a she and no nothing really happed to her other than losing her car which was totaled. State Farm my insurance company tried to go after the parents also but nothing to get. It would have cost them more to try and recover cost than it was worth.

Here is a kicker... I had to sue my own insurance company to get the UM coverage that I had paid for over 20 years without a claim. All I can say is everyone needs UM coverage. Roughly 25% of all drivers don't have insurance and another 25% have the basic coverage required by their state law. I am here to tell you that my 150000.00 policy was completly used in medical, lost wages ect...

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