Gene and Stratman
Has the earth warmed up? Sure. By all accounts it was about .5 degrees C over the last 100 years. This last winter alone killed that balance however.
NASA just launched probes into the ocean to see how much the ocean has warmed up. Results: It has not for the past 5 years. Comment from NASA: "perhaps we don't understand the data." But by all accounts the GW debate is centered around the idea that CO2s *are* the cause of GW and that man is the primary culprit.
And please by honest, if this were truly about saving the human species, shouldn't we all throw our home theaters away? Not use them ever? If we're doing something that's going to kill us, isn't the logical plan of action not to do it?
You should be weary of BIG government because it accomplishes nothing. If anything it worsens whatever problem it's designated to help. And make no mistake that the whole GW debate *IS* about BIG government. All top three presidential candidates want to increase government to combat GW.
My main point is that why the earth warms and cools is *not* certain. I've read here the desire to reduce carbons; yet we don't even know that it is carbons that causeed the aforementioned .5 C increase in 100 years. And bio fuels release methane which is a more potent green house gas.
Yes, articles may refute the Sun while others show evidence which point right to it. The point is that scientists don't know and in science in general, it is very dangerous to follow any scientist that claims to know for certain just about anything. Science always learns more and improves on itself. That's why we are blessed to have an ever-improving line of home theater products on the shelves and online. That's because people follow their passions, they invest, learn, relearn, unlearn and then relearn again. Free enterprise, using resources when and where they are, and letting people innovate are the keys to progress. All GW "solutions" do the exact opposites, including the government subsidizing alternative fuels. Let people develope that and whatever other solutions you desire on their own. All the government subsidization programs are accomplishing right now is creating more greenhouse gases, raising the cost of food, and putting the United States, the world's largest food producer, on the verge of importing its food, particularly grains.
And the United States is great by using its resources, not by restricting them. We're great because we're free, not by resticting freedom.
It's very, very easy to get away from under OPEC's thumb. Ther's oil shales in the Western United States. Estimated oil there is could provide oil independence to Americans for 500 years. ANWAR, Gulf Coast are also oil rich and there for our taking. And here's a recent article about a man who discovered how to produce oil out of anything organic. Enviromentalists like it too because of the low carb emmissons. No government necessary.
After three years of clandestine development, a Georgia company is now going public with a simple, natural way to convert anything that grows out of the Earth into oil.
But does he think it will make environmentalists happy?
"They love this. We had one totally recognizable environmentalist from Hollywood say this is everything they ever had hoped for," Bell said. "This could be considered the ultimate recycling of carbon. We are using the energy of the sun through the plant. We're not introducing any new carbon [to the environment]."
BTW, recycling carbons, like producing oil, is nothing new, the earth does it all the time and very efficiently.