Transformers HD DVD review up



Audioholic Chief
My Hd-A2 arrived today. I was just waiting for a movie to trigger the buy. Everyone at home loved the movie in HD. Still, there were a few glitches passing through the Marantz receiver. I have the same problem with the PS#3. I will have to be patient waiting for the next generation Outlaw receiver. All the new stuff should be about done by then.


Audioholic Chief
Well, I bought the Toshiba A30 so I can watch my precious Transformers lol. I only got to watch a snippet of it tonight and it looks awesome so far, I'll finish the rest tomorrow. *sigh* I hate format wars.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I just watched this movie on the regular dvd format, I saw it in the theaters but it was still a good movie the second time around.

Really good use of the surround channels as well. Along with some cool LFE :D

Oh yeah, and of course megan fox wasnt bad either. :p


Audioholic Field Marshall
Pause it? I dont need to pause it. There just arent any appropriate places to pause a movie like this. So instead I Just ripped it onto my HDD, :D


Seriously, I have no life.
Pause it? I dont need to pause it. There just arent any appropriate places to pause a movie like this. So instead I Just ripped it onto my HDD, :D
You mean those two pictures posted here didn't interest you in full size, paused?:eek:


Seriously, I have no life.
Yeah, I am a older fellow.
But call me a perv.
Well, the older fellows need this even more so as these young stuff is out of reach, unless you have billions.:D


Audioholic Jedi
Transformers is great on HDDVD. Now if we can get Speilberg to direct the next one & put it on blu-ray with 7.1 PCM or TrueHD, it would be perfect?


Audioholic Jedi
I got to watch Transformers on Wednesday night. Good flick.

I watched it in SD on a 27" analog CRT. I couldn't see in macroblocking, though - screen is probably too small. :)


Seriously, I have no life.
I got to watch Transformers on Wednesday night. Good flick.

I watched it in SD on a 27" analog CRT. I couldn't see in macroblocking, though - screen is probably too small. :)
The scanning lines may have something to do with the lack of blocking, or the SD just doesn't have it there, in that scene:D


Full Audioholic
audio harsh

I bought the 2 disc HD DVD version (was there another version????)

I found the dialog very difficult to listen to. The "s" sound was very harsh. To the point that it sounded like a buzz. Did anyone else have this problem? I tried playing around with the Yamaha's parametic equalizers. Ran the receiver through an auto calibration. Nothing helped. A lot of people had the same experience.

Is is because of DD Plus?

I am finding other HD DVDs sound the same. Constantine was not as bad but still annoying. But this movie is encoded with DD True HD.

Other than that is was an awesome movie. Lots of bass. But given the fact there are 20-40 foot robots walking around I can see why. :D


Senior Audioholic
Did anyone else have this problem?
A lot of people had the same experience.
Funny sentence, a question for all, with an answer for all.:confused:

Anyhow I have heard of a few people saying there is no bass.
Which I can only say to check your setup.

I had the XA1 hooked up analog (Direct), but decided to try digital coax, to see if I had any difference.
And the answer is, NO there is plenty of bass.
I was going to take measurements, but I figure, why? It goes lower than my sub can handle (16-18Hz)
The charts over at AVS, show content in the single digits (8-10Hz)

So now they are saying (they, seems kinda funny to me), that it is the manufactured discs that are different.

Well, I bought 4 copies, sold 2. Still have 2, so I will try the other disc later.
(I doubt there will be a difference, but by all means I will try it);)

I have currently played the movie 3 full times, and have played it in 2 different HD DVD players.
When I open the other packaging, I am only going to bother with checking it in the XA1. (no sense in checking it also in the A2)


this movie is a waste of time and money...i donot recommand it. BORING>>>>


Full Audioholic
I've also found the bass to be lacking. It just doesn't seem very strong. I wonder if this is a problem for the XBOX360 HD-DVD Player?

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