The F30 and F208 are the same family tree, from what I've read. The F30's were first (10" woofer), then were replaced by the F32/F35 (dual or triple 6.5" woofers) and the current generation is the F208's with dual 8" bass.
They are early 2000's speakers, and I have nothing to go by but many great reviews, so I'm hoping for the best. I paid $1100, but almost 1/3rd of that was shipping!

I'd have driven up to 6 hours 1-way to audition them and bring 'em home, but Idaho is a bit more than 6 hours from Virginia. Even at that price it's a good deal though. The only pair on ebay right now is $1800 shipped, and they have an unsightly finish (to my eyes anyway).
But I will have to promise my best half that I won't buy anymore speakers this year! When she sees
two more giant boxes on the front porch, there's gonna be hell to pay.