Price seems good, but I would be worried about the electronics inside the speakers malfunctioning in 5 years. Maybe it will last a lot longer.
But I would rather pay a little more and get RF-82 II (titanium tweeter and dual 8” Woofers) for $400 each.
Klipsch has a rumored reputation of sounding “bright”. But looking at this Sound and Vision measurement, I don’t see why they would sound bright.
Klipsch (at least the ones I could possibly afford) in the mid-late 70's were indeed harsh.
They have gone through many generations since then, which incrementally reduced the harshness to brightness to (in my opinion for the reference ii series and later) close to neutral.
I have RF-82ii's for my HT. I wouldn't be using them if I didn't like them. I love their dynamics and immediacy for HT; however, they have a "horn effect" (the way the horn "throws" the sound) that isn't quite right for music (don't get me wrong, they are not bad, but this effect keeps them from being a truly good music speaker, and they are fine speakers for most rock content, IMHO).
With the RP series, they changed the horn geometry which mostly resolved the "horn effect" issue. I was on-track to replace my RF-82ii's with the RP-280f when Klipsch announced that a second generation of the RP series would be released later this year. The second generation will also offer a (non-glossy, non-wood grain) satin black, which would be my preference for a medium-large tower speaker like the RP-280f.
I am not in a big rush, so it makes sense to wait and see if the second generation has significant improvements... or take advantage of close out pricing on the first generation RP speakers if they don't!
But getting to your question, the R-26PF shares the same new horn geometry as the new RP series. I have not heard the new Reference (R, not RP) series, but I asked
@yepimonfire about them since he owns both and he said they sound very much alike, but the higher quality components of the RP allowed more volume before distortion became audible.
Based on that, I would rather have the R-26f than the RF-62ii.
PS-I know the OP is no longer interested in Klipsch, but wanted to answer ADTG's question and share my experience.
Also, If anyone is interested in Klipsch, they have fixed pricing contracts regarding advertised pricing, but if you call them, many of the distributors will offer a 20-25% discount off of the advertised price!