Unrelated/but still on topic of pets.
Sadly, 2 of my birds died today/last night.
Here is the story.
I've had a slight problem with rats on the back patio.
They were eating the dropped food from the birds (outside of cages)
(patio is covered and screened in)
(cages are on a bar)
So, I set out rat traps, that became a hassle.
So I set out rat poison, was more effective in the overall problem.
However, a few days ago, my puppy (LOL, 2 year old puppy, he is not the smarter of my 2 dogs, she the Border Collie is extremely intelligent, and would have never done this;
He thought one of the pieces dropped (from the bar) was either a toy/or a piece of food (it looks like a piece of greenie treat)
So 500.00 later, he is fine, thank God, as he is the sweetest dog=VERY playful, just not smart.
(the poison was the cerebral type, not the anticoagulant type)
So I've stopped putting out the rat poison, now to the birds.
I had 4 birds, 2 lovebirds (both died were about 2 years old), 1 cockatiel (about 12 years old, 1/7th of the average life ATM), and 1 parrot (about 5 years old)
But that night, I went out to smoke a cig, and saw 2 mice IN THE CAGE of the 2 lovebirds (rats were to big to get in the cages).
I killed one (mouse), but other got away. I was glad that rats had slowed, and it was just mice (I was wrong).
The next morining (this morning), I went out to feed the birds, the 2 lovebirds were sadly dead. I am assuming that the mice chose the smaller birds to attack for the crumbs in the cage, the other 2 birds are 2 to 3 times the size of the lovebirds.
Mad and sad, I went on a major cleaning rage, and just shy of scrubbing the whole patio (although it was completely rinsed).
Birds are my least favorite of the pets I have had, but I chose to take care of them.
So I will for the rest of their life, hopefully it will be longer for the other 2.
I am mad at my mistake, I should have ...........
(honestly, I don't know what I could have done as they have been fine, well fed, cleaned after, for years,
I guess, I am just sad...
Sorry for the rambling post.