Top Gear-U.S version



Top Gear is one of my favorite TV shows. It'll be really hard to match the perfect chemistry of Clarkson, Hammond, and May. Besides, I think the US version will be too politically correct to be funny and the hosts won't criticize the test cars as much. However, I'll watch a few shows to see how they are.


Senior Audioholic
I see there has been no posting on this since it began. I have been recording this {US} since episode 1, I really enjoy it. Loved the Cobra vs Viper in ep. 1 and the Evo downhill in I think 2. Still have several more to get around to watching. Only have seen bits and pieces of the BBC version. Oh, and the blind guy drifting was pretty humorous too. And the .....


Audioholic Jedi
The Evo downhill was AWESOME. Yes, the blind guy was probably the best segment so far. I have been DVRing it also. I haven't watched the most recent episode yet though.


Audioholic General
It's been getting better each episode, which is certainly good. I'm going to keep watching it with the hopes that it finds its own footing and develops in to its own identity (even if it does carry the TG name) instead of trying to imitate the British version too much.

Still don't like Adam Ferrara as a host though.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I watched the first episode and thought it was extremely dull. They tried really hard to be like the original (which I love) and they fell flat on their faces. There is no chemistry between the hosts, all three of whom I find to be very boring and I simply didn't find the show to be entertaining.

Maybe I'm used to the british version and their british sense of humor but from what I have seen, the US version fails.


Audioholic General
Go watch the first episode of the British version. It had a lot of the same issues although I do recall it being better than the first ep of the American version (maybe I'll go back and rewatch it at some point). Regardless, the hosts have started working together better and it's doing some more original content as well.


I saw 3 episodes but haven't seen a new one in my DVR. Are new ones coming? The blind guy drifting was very funny. I hope the chemistry between hosts will come with time. I'll give them 2 seasons to do that :)


Audioholic Ninja
Ugghh.... the new US show is godaweful...

Nothing can measure up to the bloaks....


Audioholic Samurai
Ugghh.... the new US show is godaweful...

Nothing can measure up to the bloaks....
I haven't watched it yet.....I'm afraid.....I love Top Gear too much and I would feel guilty if we the Americans effed it up....."Do you want cheese with that?". :)


Don't get me started on Top Gear.

A little history lesson for our friends in America, Top Gear started out as a serious motoring programme. They would often have group tests of a particular kind of car, say something like a family saloon (sedan), for example a Ford Cortina against a Vauxhall Cavalier, and maybe something like a Morris Marina. Like most group tests, they would go through the pros and cons of each car, and declare a winner at the end. That idiot Jeremy Clarkson was there later on, but he was just one of the journos there. Even then, he had that slow style of delivery as if he was always talking down to you, and his metaphors you could see coming a mile away. "This car is so comfortable, it could be a pipe and slippers". Quite.

Sometime in the 1990s, possibly later, the show started to get too full of itself, and Clarksons ego started to over-inflate. This possibly co-incided with the 1990s "new lad" era (not sure how to translate this for Americans). The research on the cars and technical content seemed to take a back seat to the broadcasters personality (or lack of). A classic example of this was when they did a 10 minute special on the Capri, and the presenter described it as having "alloy wheels" despite the fact he was clearly driving a red 3000GXL facelift with the sculpted steel wheels. This guy (Quentin Wilson) was supposed to have been a used car saleman, so he should know the difference between steel and alloy wheels, unless of course he was just reading a script like an actor instead of a car enthusiast?

Heaven forbid you would criticise Top Gear for inaccuracies, which would brand you as "sad" (translation : goofball, weirdo). Once they did a test on the Nissan 350Z, and they had the Z-cars owners club in. Clarkson asked one guy about his 280Z, and then totally snubbed him on air saying "well, your opinion doesn't count because you have a beard". He should have replied, "well, you Mr. Clarkson have a big fat stupid head".

Now in the 2000s, Top Gear has got even worse. Group tests appear to be between this 500hp Mercedes and that 500hp BMW, which they proceed to drive around their test track with the intention of destroying them. They have elaborate stunts like sending a Reliant Robin into orbit, or a Mini down a ski slope, which are set up by experts while the presenters bask in the glory. Clarkson has gone even further up his own rear end in dumbing down his commentary because the viewers are not up to his mental capacity. He now uses the word "torques", instead of saying "pound feet of torque". Yet he has admitted off-air that he knows next to nothing about the cars he tests. The one saving grace with the current economic climate is that the BBC are going to reduce or eliminate the elaborate stunts that they produce on Top Gear.



Audioholic Ninja
I haven't watched it yet.....I'm afraid.....I love Top Gear too much and I would feel guilty if we the Americans effed it up....."Do you want cheese with that?". :)
Do yourself a favor - don't watch it at all, you'll end up throwing up in your mouth a bit like I did..... Ugghh

BTW - good to see ya last night, twas a good time...

What did you think of the subs.....?


Seriously, I have no life.
I watched a little of the US version recently and thought it was really weak. Their attempts at humor were very obvious and it wasn't working. The British version is much better, even when they aren't trying to be a serious car show.

The last time I saw it, Jeremy and the shorted guy put a CD in the player (I think it was ABBA), Super Glued the door shut and Super Glued all of the buttons/controls so he couldn't eject it, pause it, turn it down/Off or go to a different track. He had a look that said "I feel so used!" on his face and eventually, he started pulling random fuses. That didn't work well, at first.


Audioholic Samurai
I watched a little of the US version recently and thought it was really weak. Their attempts at humor were very obvious and it wasn't working. The British version is much better, even when they aren't trying to be a serious car show.

The last time I saw it, Jeremy and the shorted guy put a CD in the player (I think it was ABBA), Super Glued the door shut and Super Glued all of the buttons/controls so he couldn't eject it, pause it, turn it down/Off or go to a different track. He had a look that said "I feel so used!" on his face and eventually, he started pulling random fuses. That didn't work well, at first.
Hahaha, I LOVED that episode! Or when Jeremy finally buys James a Dacia Sandero and then he gets a truck to back into it, IDK who writes this stuff or if they just come up with it themselves, in either case its simply brilliant work!


Audioholic Jedi
I don't like the hosts that much, with the exception of Faust. I have grown to enjoy his dry humor from Battle of the Supercars, and the kid can really drive. The other two guys are just kind of annoying. I also have BBC HD, so I can watch the original as well (and I am a fan of British shows), but I don't find those guys quite that interesting either. They are a lot funnier than the US guys :) Robert's your father's brother.


Audioholic General
Robert's your father's brother.
Ok, does that make me weird if I get that line? The personalities and outrageous stunts are what drive the original BBC show. It's not about the minutia that gear heads would come to blows over. It's entertainment pure and simple. I enjoy that. Fast cars and stupid could only be better with babes and beers (for guys at least).

I watched the first episode of the US version. You can clearly tell it's the first episode since the hosts are not used to interacting with each other and haven't developed the close interaction you get from working together for years. Or at least insulting each other for years. The Viper vs. Cobra was a good bit but they could have done much more with the Lamborghini face off.

I'm not sure they have the correct writers/producers/hosts. They need someone like me who the average joe can relate to. Besides my supermodel wife, I'm just a regular guy! :D That and I've been around enough that I could come up with really good stunts/bits that would work for the US audience.

I'll watch a few more episodes of the US version before I render a final verdict.


Audioholic Spartan
The chemistry is bad and they are trying too hard to duplicate the stunts of the British show. I never really liked Faust but he's the best of the three. Rutledge has to go. He dumbs down the show. I would like a more sophisticated mentality. Something a little smarter/clever. I don't need a redneck version of Top Gear. This being said I have hope and it stands a chance of getting better. I'll continue to watch...for now.

I hate the Nascarification Speed Channel also. It was a well balanced network before they went 90% Nascar. I'm ok with Nascar as a series. It is what it is, but there is so much more out there.:mad:

Now I'm gonna go take a shower and settle in to a concert DVD and a JD&Coke...


Audioholic Ninja
Agreed. Chemestry isn't as good: and they don't generally seem to be the motor-heads that the British crew is (except for Tanner Faust, who is the only one of the original cast that made it to air.


Audioholic General
I watched the 2nd episode of the US version last night. I love Aston Martins, but I was disappointed by their bit. Just way to shallow and nowhere enough attention to detail like the Brit version.

Best part of the episode was the dog pissing on the stage.:)


Audioholic Ninja
They just seem too narrowly experienced, they seem to have too little ability to really get a feel for a car (Tanner Faust being the exception, though his on-air chemistry is mediocre).

If the British guys seem like 12-year-old boys with an obsession, the Americans seem like drunk teens with their father's car keys. Especially Rutlidge. I just don't like him... and his driving experience seems not existent (really: you are hosting Top Gear and have never once driven any Jaguar or Austin Martin?!? That's not exactly a rare exotic. *I've* driven one)

Of course I cannot rule out that my opinion is affected by jealousy. I would love that gig.

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