Here is a pic of my HT. In the middle rack on the right sits my Integra DTR 40.3 receiver.
With the setup as you see it I regularly had to aim a small fan at the Integra so it did not go into auto protect when watching movies.
Since my rack obviously does not have enough airflow for the Integra while listening at -10 to -15 I would suggest that is a design flaw.
This brings me to the actual topic of this thread.
I purchased an Emotiva XPA5 G2 just to stop the constant use of a fan and to lessen the heat from the space heater called Integra. Well for 899.00 it worked, sort of. The 40.3 STILL gets really hot just from the HDMI board though it doesn't go into auto protect anymore. It is still a room heater though not as bad as it was before.
BTW I placed the XPA5 on the right sub which seems to be holding it just fine.
Fast forward 6 months and i replaced the Integra with a X4000. Presto, no more heat issues at all. In fact the X4000 is probably the coolest running receiver I have ever had which includes Marantz 7001, Onkyo 604 & 674, Integra 40.3 , Sony STR1011, Pioneer xxx .
Amps I used to own, HK PA5800, Rotel RB981 X2, Marantz MA500, Behringer ???, AB Systems Precedent Series 900, HSU Research 250watt sub amp, numerous plate amps all of which died in less than 3-4 years of use.
Amps I currently own Rotel RB993, Emptiva XPA5, HSU Research 250 watt sub amp.