This is where Global Warming is headed

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Audioholic Ninja
I would suggest that person arguing for global warming government legislation isn't a very good libertarian. That person, who ever it may be....obviously is clueless, or he would understand what it means to be libertarian and he would stop lying to him/herself.
Wow, so "concerned about climate change" means "arguing for global warming legislation"?

What planet do you come from where concern over a physical phenomenon means that you are necessarily arguing for government legislation to prevent it?

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Actually, the biggest problem today has no political solution (or at least not one I can think of.) It is overpopulation. Most of the world's other issues, including pollution, war, immigration problems, resource shortages, etc. can be traced back to the fact that there are just too damn many people.


Naw... we never said that. It's just that we conservatives choose not to ignore the earths geologic & climate history, and that global climate change is a natural occurring phenomenon out of mans control.

To suggest such legislation is.....well, it's stupid.

One thing is certain.....and that is the Earth will grow warmer and colder many more times in the future..

The difference being, now mankind has a hand in that warming and cooling. That's where the best evidence is pointing. No one -- NO ONE -- denies that the earth's climate changes naturally too. No scientists are 'hiding' this fact. The obfuscators here are the people who insist, contrary to the best evidence, that there is no significant anthropogenic motor behind the current climate change indicators.

As a scientist myself, when I read the sort of nonsense you're posting, juxtaposed with a recent post here by an astrophysicist (which recounts the consensus -- yes, it exists, it's another lie to say it doesn't -- that anyone who follows the scientific literature in the most prestigious journals, would recognize), I really have to wonder what future generations will make of us...that there were people so consumed by us/them political ideology that they would willfully stick their heads in the sand (if not somewhere darker/smellier), rather than admit the 'other side' has the evidence in its favor.

I got sick and tired of latter-day libertarians ages ago. The internet and conservative talk radio has fostered a proliferation of the species, and they're a blight on the discourse. What these 'libertarians' in practice boil down to all too often, is reactionary, smug, self-important white guys with an inferiority complex and a half-dozen pet peeves, usually involving the terror that someone, somewhere, is taking advantage of them. Given enough influence, they become actual dangers to civil society (Grover Nordquist, anyone?).
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Audioholic Ninja
Sure there's a solution, I can lend you my S&W 44 mag. You know lead by example..;):D


That doesn't make any sense. Why would anyone refuse to admit to being liberal when being liberal is a good thing, and something to be proud of?
(This country needs a lot more liberals and a lot fewer right-wingers.)

I would disagree with that. We need more people who think for themselves and put people in office who represent the people and not special interests and their agendas.

Too much of one thing can be bad. I feel that the current two party system is failing America and her citizens. A third party that sticks up for the people is what is needed.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Sure there's a solution, I can lend you my S&W 44 mag. You know lead by example..;):D
I'd really rather not spend the rest of my life in jail after shooting you and everyone else within range, though.;)


Audioholic Ninja
I'm astounded at your capability to neatly categorize everyone into one of only two categories.


Audioholic Ninja
The two categories being "Republican scum" and "everyone else"?:D
I'm not taking sides in the "conservative" vs "liberal" or "Republican" vs "Democrat" debate because both sides are equally clueless.

However, his categories appear to be "I can think for myself because I'm Republican" and "bleeding-heart liberal scumbags."

He doesn't appear to have any room for, for instance, a libertarian who wants an extremely small government and little to no gun control for law-abiding citizens but desperately wants the US out of Iraq (and Afghanistan and Panama and etc etc) and is deeply concerned about what humanity is doing to the earth.

He has attempted to lump me into the "bleeding heart liberal scum" category in more than one thread, only to completely ignore me when confronted with reality.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Ya gotta love the tenacity of leftist activists......

They will disregard billions of years of geologic history and depend solely on a 100 year split second segment of "post industrial age" climate data to deduce both Man Made global cooling in the 1970s, and Man Made global warming 30 years later based on the same data.

A simple multiple choice question can answer who these people are.

(A) Complete Idiots
(B) Smart people who push the same leftist big government environmental
agenda by using any current naturally occurring climate trend as "PROOF".
(C) Both of the above

If history has taught us anything, it's that short term climate change is not predictable!! What we do know is that we should expect a major ice age roughly every 100,000 years, coupled with many smaller mini-ice ages in-between(Hint...Global Warming/Cooling). The warming & cooling between these events is NOT constant, and the short term speed of these events can spike and fluctuate greatly!!

As far as "REAL" science can say, mankind and our impact on Earths global climate is merely an insignificant speck of sand...... as compared to all of our seas combined.

...... but kooks will insist.... "WE must LEGISLATE!!" anyway....:rolleyes:

C''s nice and warm outside. Why don't we just go tend to our flourishing crops, play more golf, hit the beach....and freakin enjoy the great MILD period in which we now all live?

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Joe don't be so bitter, if it wasn't for us Republican scum you'd have nothing to rail against.:D
Good call, I hadn't thought of that. Glad to know there is something you are good for.:)


Seriously, I have no life.
The dopes who are worried about climate change must completely ignore our planets geologic history.

I'm sure those same people will teach their grandkids to be scared to death when the earth begins it's next natural cooling trend. I'll probably still be alive when future liberal generations are guaranteed to frantically warn of an approaching "MAN-MADE" ice age.... for the 2nd time during my lifetime. :rolleyes:

The unfortunate reality is they are well aware of our geologic history, but they choose to ignore it.....because the history it reveals doesn't jive with liberal environmentalist "Big Goverment Control" agenda.
Yes, of course. An ice age can be man made pretty easy, a good nuclear exchange will do a good start. So is a man-made heating cycle which we are doing a great job of doing too. Pick one. :D


Seriously, I have no life.
Better that than the conservative "let's do whatever we want because the environment doesn't matter at all" agenda.:(
Only the economic fortunes are important. We'll find a new planet someplace to repeat this mess on. :D:D


Seriously, I have no life.
..., and that global climate change is a natural occurring phenomenon out of mans control.
You think it is out of man's control? Planet too big to change by man? Lets play nuclear war games and see if we can freeze the planet.


Seriously, I have no life.
Actually, the biggest problem today has no political solution (or at least not one I can think of.) It is overpopulation. Most of the world's other issues, including pollution, war, immigration problems, resource shortages, etc. can be traced back to the fact that there are just too damn many people.
But, without a growing population the economy would be stagnant, more or less. A fixed number of people need a fixed number of shoes, clothing, food, etc. How would the industrialists get rich, filthy rich? :D


Only the economic fortunes are important. We'll find a new planet someplace to repeat this mess on. :D:D
Perhaps that is what our existence really is/was? A last desperate crew left another planet (Mars) landed here and repopulated. Bringing with them in their spaceship all the DNA of creatures from the world they destroyed as well as plants. It is theoretically possible. Coming to a world so capable of supplying life. Perhaps we are the aliens who came to this planet to use it's resources and wiped out the creatures that lived here (i.e. dinosaurs) it just happened so long ago that no one remembers and/or the truth was hidden to prevent it from happening again so we might take care of the planet.

I admit, that is out there, but it sounded good as I thought of it.

Just brainstorming.
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