Ya gotta love the tenacity of leftist activists......
They will disregard billions of years of geologic history and depend solely on a 100 year
split second segment of "post industrial age" climate data to deduce both
Man Made global cooling in the 1970s, and
Man Made global warming 30 years later based on the same data.
A simple multiple choice question can answer who these people are.
(A) Complete Idiots
(B) Smart people who push the same leftist big government environ
agenda by using any current
naturally occurring climate trend as "PROOF".
(C) Both of the above
If history has taught us anything, it's that short term climate change is not predictable!! What we do know is that we should expect a major ice age roughly every 100,000 years, coupled with many smaller mini-ice ages in-between(Hint...Global Warming/Cooling). The warming & cooling between these events is NOT constant, and the short term speed of these events can spike and fluctuate greatly!!
As far as "REAL" science can say, mankind and our impact on Earths global climate is merely an insignificant speck of sand...... as compared to all of our seas combined.
...... but kooks will insist.... "WE must LEGISLATE!!" anyway....
C'mon....it's nice and warm outside. Why don't we just go tend to our flourishing crops, play more golf, hit the beach....and freakin enjoy the great MILD period in which we now all live?