First, I don't advocate diregarding room acoustics completely. In fact I use room correction to figure out some of the problems areas in my rooms and make slight adjustments. That being said, I'm not about to make my rooms look like lab.
As for room correction = EQing. No. When was the last time you were able to make millisecond time adjustments with your equalizer?
Straight from TACT's room correction resource page:
"Typical parametric equalization systems hunt for steady state room-modes and have no way of implementing the information gained from a calculation of impulse response. By ignoring the impulse response, parametric equalization systems completely disregard the natural time domain properties of sound.
The human ear relies on the time domain for both the localization of the sound image and the accurate perception of direct sound. In extracting directional information, the brain processes the time-of-arrival differences between the left and right ear, as well as the intensity differences.
When discerning direct sound from reflections, the brain lumps together echoes in the range of 1 to 50 milliseconds. Delays greater than 50 milliseconds are heard as echoes.
A room with a long reverberation decay time could, for example, create wavefronts that effectively mask the direct sound. By measuring the impulse response of an entire system, room correction is able to ensure that the components are working synergistically so that all aspects of a recording can be heard. "
For info on true room correction and the differences v. parametric equalization look here:
I didn't believe it until I actually heard it. Don't fight it... your ears will thank you.