He didn’t recommend the Yamaha RX-V6A either.

Then, he s#%t all over a refurbished 3080. When Amir s#%ts on Denons and Yamahas, you can bet nobody around here wants to hear about it. But, they’ll quote him all day long if he s#%ts on an Onkyo.
Some will let their foolish pride keep them from dropping a few coin on an Onkyo to tinker with Dirac. They're happy to hook up that little black box Denon sent them for f#%king up last year. Some Yamaha owners are covering their eyes and ears until the HDMI 2.1 firmware update comes in. “They’ll see, just wait, they’ll see! It’s gonna’ be worth all of the money and the wait.”
I run five 4ohm speakers with my little budget Onkyo. It sounds good and never gets too hot. The last time I cranked up the RX-V6A and touched the top cover, it f#%kin’ left marks.
Well, at least Amir is running tests in a timely manner. If you want to be baited into a “?” thread or read about overpriced and color mismatched hockey pucks that you screw into the bottom of your speakers, then this is the place for you.
I kid of course, I enjoy lots of the threads and posts that pop up around here. And, yeah, I get the biggest kick out of my own. I mean, who else is comparing features and functions of various discounted Costco models around this f#%ker?
There are lots of intelligent and informed individuals frequenting this joint. But, after a few drinks, many aren’t interesting in sharing their knowledge or learning anything new and just like to sling s#%t over in the steam vent.
Many still don’t know that new AVRs are network connectable and can stream their favorite albums from multiple services in lossless audio. “Horse feathers! Who the f#%k has time for all of that new s#%t?!” I’m still tryin’ to get all of my vinyl on tape!”