I like CDs. I like having a tangible item to show for my purchase. I don't listen to CDs very often though. I rip them to FLAC using EAC (
this, not
this) because it's more convenient to shuffle through a directory of files than a stack of discs in most places. After ripping, the CD goes into my Sony 300-disc changer because it's awesome. For my truck, it's easy enough to convert those FLAC files to mp3 and copy to a 32gb flash drive. From a cmd prompt:
md MP3
for %I in (*.flac) do ffmpeg -i "%~I" -b:a 224k -map_metadata 0 "MP3\%~nI.mp3"
From PowerShell:
md MP3
gci *.flac | %{ ffmpeg -i $_ -b:a 224k -map_metadata 0 "MP3\$($_.basename).mp3" }
Easy peasy, right? Either will convert a full directory of songs while retaining ID3 tags, taking about 5 seconds per song (give or take, depending on length).
But if I have a hard drive crash, if I lose my flash drive, I've still got the original CDs. If I'm buying music, I want that CD to satisfy my OCD as proof that I have received something of value in exchange for my money.
CD quality is the standard. I don't want to pay for CD quality MP3s, because to me that's an oxymoron. I know if I rip a CD to flac, then burn a CD from those flac files, then re-rip to flac, I'll still end up with a bit perfect copy of what I purchased. On the other hand, if I burn MP3 to CD and re-rip, I'll have lost something. It might be audible or it might not, but it's still something lost, and it's no longer CD quality. Again, OCD. Whether it's reasonable or not, it's how I feel.
As far as CDs disappearing from retail stores, that's no big deal to me. I always considered CDs in retail stores as customer bait. Stores get CDs for people to browse, and while browsing they're exposed to 75" TVs, home theater demos, and other big ticket items. I prefer not to be exposed to all that or to sales people, so I buy CDs from Amazon.
If Amazon stops selling CDs, then I'll be upset, unless they then start offering an option to purchase albums as FLAC, WAV, or DSD files on flash drives. That would still be something tangible, and would satisfy my OCD.