The Great Whisky Giveaway!



Junior Audioholic
I guess

1420 meters

Legal age is 18 in my province Sheep. IN YO FACE!:p


The span of a particular bridge you have personally worked on. So my guess is that it is shorter than the entire lenght of the bridge.

Random guess, 80 meters.


Audioholic Field Marshall
A small help

Duffinator said:
I've highlighted Duffinator's answer (remember; editing is allowed up 'till the deadline), but this is a little help for you all:

The world's longest bridge span is currently 1911m and forms the central span of the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge in Japan (though when built, Messina will smash this). Clearly 1911m is therefore the largest value that anyone can submit.

Obviously the bridge in question is neither of those listed (though if I'd stayed just a little longer with my last employer, I'd have worked on the tender for Messina :()


Full Audioholic
Drat! I looked up bridge engineers in Glasgow, which led me to a particular concern that I assumed you worked for. I noted that firm to be working on design for a seemingly unfunded bridge, listed previously.

Back to the drawing board. . .

p.s. bobbydigital - nice avatar. DangerDOOM. I just saw MF in Seattle a few weeks back.


Full Audioholic
Buckle-meister said:
I've highlighted Duffinator's answer (remember; editing is allowed up 'till the deadline), but this is a little help for you all:

The world's longest bridge span is currently 1911m and forms the central span of the Akashi-Kaikyo bridge in Japan (though when built, Messina will smash this). Clearly 1911m is therefore the largest value that anyone can submit.
If it hasn't been built yet, and it happened to set a new record, it could be longer than 1911m?

From your hint though, we can assume it's not going into Guinness for longest span?


Full Audioholic
573 meters. It's not quite fair to the rest though I am a psychic. Or is it psycho.... I'll get back to you.


Audioholic Field Marshall
AverageJoe said:
If it hasn't been built yet, and it happened to set a new record, it could be longer than 1911m?
Hey everyone! Guess what?

Average Joe's just been disqualified for questioning the judge. :eek:

Just kidding Average Joe. :D You are right, logically it could've been the longest, but I can confirm that it wouldn't have been.


Audioholic Field Marshall
loserwife said:
I'm not a scotch drinker but I know somebody who might want it.
Hahaha! Very clever Major Loser! With one foul swoop you've managed to get two votes intead of just one!

Use of Available Resources. Impressive! Most impressive! :D


Full Audioholic
Oops - I withdraw the question!

I just naturally assumed a gentleman of your obvious expertise, talent, and intelligence would quite likely be involved with a stupendous, record-breaking, marvel of engineering.

Nah, I'd never be acused of buttering-up the judge.


Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:
It's not a trick question. I am a Bridge Engineer in the normal sense of the word, not a dental surgeon (shakes his head). :D Besides, who has a mouth large enough that would require a 6cm bridge?!! :eek:
See, I should be more literal, too. LOL. AND, I could have looked at your personal description on AH. Duhhhhh! :eek: Too bad, too, I was gonna change it to ship BRIDGE size (outside the box again).

Okay, ixnay on my first try. (I knew you had to be an engineer. ALL Scots are I said. [Outthinking self.])

Sooooo, I would have guessed the Messina Bridge to Sicily...3300 meters....but you said it was less than 19xx meters. (I agree with AverageJoe, btw. 19xx m. is not the largest span "unbuilt" bridge.) My guess now is...ta daaaaa... River Clyde... 100 meters! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Audioholic Warlord
Ok, Ok, I got it.

Neptune's Way

Yes! I win!

Can I use the bridge instead of length?



Audioholic Warlord
Buckle-meister said:
I'm afraid not. Numbers only.
Bah! Your just doing that cause I guessed right! :mad: :p

Theres no info anywhere on that stupid bridge, which is a knock off of another one.



Wild Guess

Great idea for a contest. I'm going to share it with any and all audioholics in the Chicago area or any willing to make the trip (limit one or there will not be enough to get wasted:) ).

I guess 1221 meters.

:) Let me guess I'm wrong just like everything else in my life.:)


Audioholic Chief
My guess is 625 meters.

If I win, I will drive to the middle of the Mackinac Bridge (spanning the 2 peninsulas of Michigan), stop my car, and down a shot in honor of you Robbie.

This is normal behavior for me. Don't think you're special or anything!!


Buckle-meister said:
Hahaha! Very clever Major Loser! With one foul swoop you've managed to get two votes intead of just one!

Use of Available Resources. Impressive! Most impressive! :D
And you assume she meant me?

You must really think I rate!


Audioholic Field Marshall
Sheep said:
Neptune's Way
Still no number Sheep. I can help you a price. I know the span of Neptune's Way (which incidentally will be about a one-minute walk from my flat when it's built) and can provide it's length if you'd like. BUT, if I do, you will be held to this value and not allowed to change it (whereas others may change theirs if they wish)

What do you say? :D


Senior Audioholic
Ok, I work for a Civil Engineers Council here with ties to FIDIC and i know its Chairman, probably he knows somebody in Scotland who probably knows you. Now, probably i can just refer him here to refer to his Scottish friend who might, by any chance, know you. Arghh..what the hell!! I just guess it now, it is 984 meters.:cool:

Ok, here's the deal. If my guess is half of what might be the right answer, I'll settle with half the content of the bottle and it can goes up or down proportionately. :D
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