Thumbs up. I enjoyed it. But it wasn't one of the "greatest movie ever". I guess I am reminded of my impressions from Spider Man 1 to Spider Man 2. The first greatly impressed me with its originality and freshness. The second, more or less, continued on the established characters. FWIW, this is JMO, and to explain my personality, out of the LOTR trilogy I was most impressed with Fellowship, even though the last installment is generally the most acclaimed. Great first impressions leave an indelible mark on me! So, in the same manner, I am still more impressed by Batman Begins.
I thought it was cool that Heath Ledger took cues from Jack Nicholson down to the smacking lips, with a somewhat similar personality, even if the portrayals are not exactly the same.
A bigger departure would be Two-Face's character.
I thought Eckhart was fine
, but there's something irreplacable about Tommy Lee Jones' ability to portray a real aloofness, dont-give-a-crap-what-you think personality that he often portrays (like in the Fugitive). Granted, the movie he played in sucked.
There was no aspect change whatsoever in the regular theater. I could have definitely waited for the BD release on this, but I can probably now say this for any movie that ever comes out. Compared to my HT, this one looked like 480i with poorer black levels.
The audience did a very, very few annoying things, pretty well behaved in general, so Im glad about that. As for the audio, I rarely/never have it quite as loud. Maybe that's a good thing for my hearing. Since I watch movies so much more often now... perhaps theater viewing levels are best done occassionaly, rather than regularly? Im not sure what the exact freq range might be, but my system is definitely lacking somewhere in the low mid-bass, or high bass, if the theater was a reference of sorts. For infrasonic stuff, my HT does just fine, if not better.
Looking forward to the BD release.