I think his point (as well as mine) is that it's fine that there are sides, but when both sides disagree with EVERYTHING the other side says no matter what, just because it wasn't their side that said it, then we will never have progress.
Someone else said it, but I'll say it again. We just need moderate candidates on both sides. That way we can get someone in office that can actually help those sides agree on some things so we can make some changes for the better. Both parties putting in their most extreme versions of themselves is never going to go well.
Yes. Thank you, that was my not very well formed point. Hell, even in my own house we have “sides” on some things. But for most things there’s a “middle”. I mean, we all basically want the same things in life, and when the modern political shiit show gets going, you’d think that either “side” is the only bunch that knows anything and it feels like dogma.
Like you said, it doesn’t matter WHAT the other side is saying, good, bad or otherwise it’s immediately discredited, or called fake news, or whatever. It’s stupid playground bullshit and they all suck. And now all of the stupid campaign ads are such a waste of time and money. All they do is sling mud at the other guy for the whole ad, then SUDDENLY, here’s our candidate who’s NOT like the other guy the ad just ran into the dirt for 45 seconds.
It’s just sad that we’ve basically had to choose the lesser of evils, or least insane, or least criminal candidate for a long time.
Way to ruin the greatest country in earth you stupid childish selfish greedy wastes of skin.