In my opinion, it's all one big "it depends", and we're really going down a rathole that I want to avoid, partly because I'm not an expert in analog circuit design. In the context of the range of design choices and parts choices that one has for digital and analog consumer products, many-channel AVRs and pre-pros are likely to have choices that bias towards heat reduction, cost reduction, and reduced space consumption, even for relatively expensive versions. If they don't, the result will be a $15-20K 7.1 pre-pro that consumes 150 watts (it'll run quite hot, because line-level circuits are run Class A, so the higher the voltage they use the higher the power dissipation), and it may be the size of a 4U server.
And I think it is quite likely the hypothetical 4U pre-pro would not sound obviously better than the Marantz pre-pro from the blog, even if the SNR was actually lower.