In this hobby, objectivism is not even called for.
By whom? Certainly there are audiophiles who do not; that is most obvious.
There are many others who do call on it. Certainly designers of many componsnets do, Surprize
Without it, you whould have chaos, no standards, nothing, just an art gallery.
The hobby is about an indulgence to gratify the aural senses of a person made up of biases and preferrences, wants and dislikes.
Or, just plain enjoyment.
Enjoying the hobby is SUBJECT to all these.
Why? How? You mean one cannot enjoy without any of your criterias? Interesting supposition.
What's the point being objective in this hobby?
Why not? Same reason why you can do as you supposed above.
What benefit will it get you?
Ah, maybe that is what missing in you, not knowing the benefits.
Will it increase your enjoyment in it?
Why could it not? Sheer sp[eculation if you think it cannot.
Why reduce your humanity to the level of dispassionate measuring instruments when choosing or assessing gears?
Meaningless verbage.
Will doing so gain for you the hardware that will make you enjoy in it?
Why would it not? That is most likely why someone would do this test in the first place, or, to make an informed choice. You seem to grapple at strawmen excuses.
Do you close your eyes when making a choice of appliance at Best Buys?
Well, looks are of issue in such a product. But so is its performance too, its repair history, its efficiency, claimed capability and to meet such claims. Why do you think Consumer Reports are still in busienss, doing well?
Do you do the same when choosing the CDs and LPs you want?
Why would one do that? Silly question. You must soppose that if one is DBTed, everything must be? Silly.
Must you exercise clinical objectivity when appreciating the music you want?
Actrually, no. I enjoy music from a boombox, a car radio, etc. Can you?
Is this hobby a scientific expedition of sort?
Why not? What is in the way?
Do you have to be logical in a hobby that defies logic to begin with(what's so logical about a luxurious indulgence of the aural senses when people are dying of hunger elsewhere in the world? what's so logical about a hobby that aims to capture a fleeting objective that can never be attained?)
Well, it is only your supposition that this hoby defies logic. Maye for you?
There are areas in life where objectivity has no place whatsoever.
Such as?
This hobby is one of them.
Only your supposition and opinion. Eveyone has one, you know.
Not only is it inappropriate to be objective, but it takes so much time, resources and expense to do so.
It is only inappropriate for you. Don't speak for everyone, please. Maybe for th eones who authorized you to do so.
Just to to be able to show that all amps, players and cables sound the same?
Why not. A good reason. Then you can conc entrate on th eimportant parts of th e hobby, not waste time on th ewrong parts. Leaves nmore time to enjoy.
Where's the fun in that?
Ah, you think everyone must have fun the way you perceive 'fun' to be? You want them to be robots, to have your kind of fun?
It seems to me that people who feel they must apply logical objectivity and the scientific methods in this hobby have entirely missed the boat.
Yet another false and unreliable perception.
You're supposed to enjoy in this hobby.
You mean enjoyment your way? Only your criteria will acheve it? Aren't you presuming more than you can handle?
Do you have to be logical and apply the scientific method when choosing and enjoying your spouse?
Why not? It migh really work out to the best. Why do you think there are so many divorces? Because the spuses were picked on objectivity and logic? Hardly.
My goodness.
I know that the audio gears in this hobby are a product of science and engineering. True.
That is an interesting revelation.
But science and engineering stops precisely when those audo gears ship out of the manufacturing plants.
That is what you'd like and many makers too. Don't question. Trust us. Believe our marketeers and bs grinders. You may believe this. Obviously you do.
As an audiophilic indulgence, this hobby is a celebration of the musical sounds.
Is it? Maybe the live performance is.
People can enjoy music attending live concerts or listening to invited musicians at home like in the past. In short, this hobby can thrive without those audio gears.
You think? Harldy. Those artists would be few and far between.
They are useless without the musical sources fed into them.
Ypu can always make your own and play it back. give it to your friends and family to enjoy, or not
And just because part of the enjoyment of this hobby is derived from those audio gears doesn't mean we have to be logical and scientific in this hobby.
Nor does it mean you cannot be so logical.
Let's not forget that this hobby is about enjoying musical sounds on the personal level.
How about a group level?
Not enjoying the hardware.
Ah, so you don;t enjoy your hardware then? WOW, you seem to spend enough time on them not to enjoy the hardware. Curious.
Personal experience, the musical sources and your ears are what matter. Not oscilliscopes or DBTs.
You can think this, yes. Others can think something different, yes.