

Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, I just wanted to thank all of you for brainwashing - I mean influencing me into spending way too much money!!!:eek:

Thanks a lot!:D


"Scales" and "Thanks"

I keep trying to click on them...but I just can't seem to get the red chicklet to show up! :eek:
When you click on the scales you can say "Approve" or "Disapprove" and you have to type something into the comment filed.

If you click "Disapprove", then a red chicklet will show up in the "User CP" recent reputation of person's thread entry you are responding to.

If you click "Approve' then a "green" chicklet will show up n the "User CP" recent reputation of person's thread entry you are responding to.

You can always give "Thanks", even to a post you have already given a "Scales".

However if you give a "Scales" first you cannot give a "Thanks" afterward.

Also there is some kind of algorithmn that will not let you give to much "Scales" to one person within a certain time period. Also it limits the total number of "Scales" youcan give in a time period.

Having said all that, some peoepl have difficulty with either or both the "scales" and/or "Thanks" working correctly at all.

Good luck
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Senior Audioholic
I had an important warning for you about the SC Wide series but now I am not telling you until after you get them:eek:
Dang! Now I have to figure out if I should just avoid the Wide series in order to avoid the problem you were going to warn me about...or decide if you are using reverse psychology to trick me out of buying them! :confused:

LOL! :D I'm just going to buy some big ol' Paradigms and tape them to my ceiling.


Senior Audioholic
When you click on the scales you can say "Approve" or "Disapprove" and you have to type something into the comment filed.

If you click "Disapprove", then a red chicklet will show up in the "User CP" recent reputation of person's thread entry you are responding to.

If you click "Approve' then a "green" chicklet will show up n the "User CP" recent reputation of person's thread entry you are responding to.

You can always give "Thanks", even to a post you have already given a "Scales".

However if you give a "Scales" first you cannot give a "Thanks" afterward.

Also there is some kind of algorithmn that will not let you give to much "Scales" to one person within a certain time period. Also it limits the total number of "Scales" youcan give in a time period.

Having said all that, some peoepl have difficulty with either or both the "scales" and/or "Thanks" working correctly at all.

Good luck
Well, I fall into the category of folks where the system doesn't seem to work for me. I can't get any of it to work for some reason. Oh well. This has been a fun thread though. I'm getting a kick out of it.
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Time-OUT AcuDefTEch

Yeah, I just wanted to thank all of you for brainwashing - I mean influencing me into spending way too much money!!!:eek:

Thanks a lot!:D
I was all set to buy some AV123 BigFoot center and was planning on buy AV123 Rocket 850s or 100s next year! :rolleyes:

If you are familiar with AV123 they have a long wait time on ordering. I had the BigFoot "center speaker" on order to replace my Def Tech Procenter100 because the HT voice dialog was not as clear or distinct as I wanted.

So as I talked about changing to AV123 Rockets, I came to realize that Def Techs were really good and that it would be better to think about upgrading to the 7000 tower series next year. Then I heard that the CLR3000 was awesome from some random guy :rolleyes: with DefTech in his screen name. So I decided to cancel the Bigfoot, which I did and go order a CLR3000. I went to the Audio HT store and told the guy what I was going to do and told him I was goiong to upgrade the Front speakers next year. Then he said if you are interested I have some demo 7002s on sale and he gave me a price i couldn't refuse. So guess who influence an brainwashed me into spending some $$$$- Mr. AcuDefTech himself ---- THANK YOU ;);)


Audioholic Ninja
However if you give a "Scales" first you cannot give a "Thanks" afterward.
Good luck
I have given scale repuation first to a post and given thanks afterwards many of times with a number of different posters on this site. However, if you give thanks first you cannot use scale reputation afterwards on the same post, but you can remove the thanks, use the scale rep then thank them using the "thanks". Try it on mine and see if it works:).
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I think you should just use me as the guinea pig ....go ahead try it ....:D


Audioholic Spartan
I was all set to buy some AV123 BigFoot center and was planning on buy AV123 Rocket 850s or 100s next year! :rolleyes:

If you are familiar with AV123 they have a long wait time on ordering. I had the BigFoot "center speaker" on order to replace my Def Tech Procenter100 because the HT voice dialog was not as clear or distinct as I wanted.

So as I talked about changing to AV123 Rockets, I came to realize that Def Techs were really good and that it would be better to think about upgrading to the 7000 tower series next year. Then I heard that the CLR3000 was awesome from some random guy :rolleyes: with DefTech in his screen name. So I decided to cancel the Bigfoot, which I did and go order a CLR3000. I went to the Audio HT store and told the guy what I was going to do and told him I was goiong to upgrade the Front speakers next year. Then he said if you are interested I have some demo 7002s on sale and he gave me a price i couldn't refuse. So guess who influence an brainwashed me into spending some $$$$- Mr. AcuDefTech himself ---- THANK YOU ;);)

Tell me about it... I was listening to my bedroom system one day and thought, I wish I had some front speakers with built in subs... not that my BP8s didn't sound good, but when listening to music in Pure Direct mode, I wanted more bass. So I go to my PC and look on craigslist and search for Definitive Technology, and it just so happens that I came across someone selling a pair of like new condition BP7006 towers, and I talked him down a little bit and went and picked them up the same night... I think I need help. I moved the BP8s downstairs to another room, now I have a total of 14 def tech speakers throughout the house... it's a good thing they don't make PC speakers, otherwise I may have to replace my Klipsch speakers just to have all matching speakers in the house. Now I'm considering replacing the CLR2002 with either a CLR2300 or CLR2500... but I just don't have the money right now.


Okay... this was the very same problem I got stuck with for a long time. My office laptop will not allow me to use the THANKS button... it just disappears. My new home PC works fine. I have big time security on my internet at my office and that was what was blocking it's use.


Audioholic Warlord
Is something supposed to happen when I click on the scales? I tried it for Midcow2 and nothing happened.

For what it is worth I tend to thank for useful or useless info....I'm a Thank-aholic
I have a rash on my back.



Okay you're on :)

I think you should just use me as the guinea pig ....go ahead try it ....:D

I gave you a scale approval and I think you got another green chicklet . Take Care


P>s>- you havesome good posts; you deserve it ;)


Okay... this was the very same problem I got stuck with for a long time. My office laptop will not allow me to use the THANKS button... it just disappears. My new home PC works fine. I have big time security on my internet at my office and that was what was blocking it's use.
Aren't those IT Security guys great :D The were probably blocking you from running Javascript and/or ActiveX.


Aren't those IT Security guys great :D The were probably blocking you from running Javascript and/or ActiveX.
I have both of those working... I think it's something more sinister than that.

I'd thank you... but of course I can't~!~


Audioholic Jedi
I saw where Midcow was saying how many points he thought that things were worth, so here's my speculation:

1. "Thanks" are now worth 3 points, not 1 point like they used to be (it's been this way for a little while now)

2. The amount of reputation points awarded when someone uses the "scales" button appears to be the amount of reputation points that they have divided by 40. I don't know how it handles rounding, yet. For example, if someone has 120 reputation points, then that person will hand out 3 points when they "approve" of someone's post. If someone has 240 points, then that person will hand out 6 points, and so on. I don't know if there is a minimum value handed out these days, but newbies used to give out zero points when they tried to give rep.

3. I don't know if red chicklets follow the same scaling as green chicklets in regards to how many points are taken away. For example, I don't know if someone with 1200 points would sock someone with -30 points if they "disapprove" of a post. On a related note, please don't hit me with red chicklets...I'm really not that curious to find out! :)



Thanks for the explanation !

I saw where Midcow was saying how many points he thought that things were worth, so here's my speculation:

1. "Thanks" are now worth 3 points, not 1 point like they used to be (it's been this way for a little while now)

2. The amount of reputation points awarded when someone uses the "scales" button appears to be the amount of reputation points that they have divided by 40. I don't know how it handles rounding, yet. For example, if someone has 120 reputation points, then that person will hand out 3 points when they "approve" of someone's post. If someone has 240 points, then that person will hand out 6 points, and so on. I don't know if there is a minimum value handed out these days, but newbies used to give out zero points when they tried to give rep.

3. I don't know if red chicklets follow the same scaling as green chicklets in regards to how many points are taken away. For example, I don't know if someone with 1200 points would sock someone with -30 points if they "disapprove" of a post. On a related note, please don't hit me with red chicklets...I'm really not that curious to find out! :)

As always, thanks for the info ;) :cool:


Senior Audioholic
Well, it has to be a work problem...I was just able to do it here from home. I guess I need to start writing down who is helpful while I am at work and then thank them when I get home! My memory sucks...and I have a newborn at home so the chances of me getting time to do that are slim to none. Hopefully, the typed thanks I throw into my posts at least count for something to the person who is providing the info. And thanks to everybody for making this thread so much fun!

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