TLS guy, can you explain why everything works so smoothly for me?
I respect your posts, even if they can be uncompromisingly blunt to others. I also respect your highly attuned consumer-rights-BS meter. Its a noble motivation, on the behalf of all of us.
But everything is working great!!!!
But, for argument's sake (and maybe you find it downright laughable), lets say I had two choices in my town as far as restaurants. One has amazing food, and poor service. The other has ok good, and excellent service. Depending on who you ask, some will prefer one over the other. Id probably go for the better food. Heck, there's a restaurant near me with excellent food and terrible service. I have to make sure I get everything in when I order, because it can easily be a half hour before the waitress comes back. I use this laughable analogy, because a well mastered Bluray completely blows a well mastered DVD out of the water in terms of picture quality. Granted, I use a high quality projector on an enormous screen in a room with good light control.
The things is I feel that I am getting fine service along with my amazing PQ. I've downloaded FW only once, with the very specific reason of fixing the -5db cut I had. That's the only reason. Ever. Period. WORKS GREAT!!!!!'
I love it.