Tailgating is one of my major pet peeves. I don't tailgate others and I really cannot stand it when people tailgate me, especially when I'm already going 10 over the speed limit. I use my cruise control and usually set it about 7 MPH over the posted limit.
My commute takes me on a variety of roads, from a rual two lane, to a two lane 60 MPH highway, to a four lane highway, to city streets. I run into so many idiot drivers that I am amazed I have not yet gone completely insane.
People drive 5 under side by side in sunny dry weather. People drive the limit or less in the passing lane and NEVER move over. People tailgate instead of passing in the open passing lane. People who have been driving 5 under speed up when I pass them. People pull out in front of me, force me to slam the brakes, and drive obsurdly slow. Just the other day I passed someone who was driving
25 in a 45 in clear dry weather and they blasted their horn and flashed their lights.
I could go on for a very long time with the list of things that drive me nuts. I'm completely calm about it, however. I don't show my anger. I don't act like an idiot. I'll take a chance to pass a slow driver and I'll pass them very quickly but I don't provoke. I do pass more often with my new car because it has a lot more reserve power than my old one.

I realize that I'm not saving any real time by driving slightly over the speed limit but I sure fit in better with the
general flow of traffic. Slow drivers, in my experience, cause MANY more problems than people doing 10 over.