Tailgaters on the Road



Wouldn't work on me as I have anti-glare mirrors :D

Yeah, it works well on me. I'm incredibly sensitive to light, and when I have to leave early in the morning normal headlights in the mirror are distracting enough.


Audioholic Samurai
Just yesterday I was returning from the nearest town with a mall and some old geezer in his buick was doing 20 under (Km/h) just because it was raining and dark out.
What some people fail to realize is that the speed limit is just that...the limit. Anything above that is technically speeding. There is also such a thing as driving too fast for conditions (entirely within the discretion of the officer), and conversely, impeding traffic (driving too slowly). I wouldn't suggest any of these tactics.

I think next time I'll keep my distance but throw on the high-beams.
That too is a criminal offense in some of the states. Temporarily blinding someone with a deadly weapon (an automobile) at any speed is ill-advised.


Full Audioholic
If you see me speeding get the hell out of my way. Sometimes it seems like people have no where to go. I usually stay in the fast lane. I hate people that drive next to another car at the same damn speed. I cant pass or nothing and they refuse to move out of the damn way. I say if you see someone driving fast and you can move out of the way do it. If I am in the mood to cruise and a speeder comes up on me fast I speed up and get out the way. Why hold somebody else up. They might have a emergency.

I also hate the drivers that think it is there responsibility to make sure I a drive the speed limit. Get the F... out of the way!
If it's truly an emergency, use your emergency flashers (hazard lights, whatever you want to call them) to let other people know that it is, in fact, an emergency. Emergency is generally indicated by flashing lights, at least with automobiles (ambulance, police, fire truck, etc.....). It's a quick, safe, non-volatile way to allow people to know that there is a problem and you are in a hurry.

I hate drivers that think everyone else should get the hell out of their way just b/c they want to drive 10 or 20 over the speed limit. It's not your right to endanger MY life or anyone else's just b/c you think you need to drive fast, for whatever reason.

If you think driving fast makes a big difference, do some math. It in fact doesn't make a big difference at all, rarely more than a few minutes for any distance that most people normally drive.

Take a 30 mile trip for instance...say the speed limit is 60mph. That will get you there in 30 minutes...easy right? Ok, say you want to drive 10 over, at 70mpg...wow, it still takes 25.7 minutes. Just over 4 minutes saved...how often have you really gotten in trouble for being only 5 minutes late? And how often could you have prevented it if you had only planned ahead anyway? Last check-20mph over at 80mph....some idiots do this and over 30 miles, only save 7.5 minutes of time. Still under 10 minutes difference. You know what? If you drove 60mph and took an extra 7.5 minutes, you aren't even fashionably late yet...in fact, you're pretty much right on the money for almost everything except maybe work...but again-plan ahead. Don't hit the snooze button for the 10th time.

Rant over.


Full Audioholic
I drive on the cruise control at +10mph most of the time.

I stick to the right lane as much as possible. I WILL pass you on either side (traffic permiting) when I drive up to you, never getting of the cruise control and then proced to forget about your existance.

If you're already passing traffic, I'll wait beind you at a safe distance, then hit the cc again and pass you (either side again).

I find people that speed up when you catch up to them quite annoying. But I believe they don't realize what they're doing. A tribute to their limited brain capacity (that thought is soothing in many situation. That and justifing any stupid behavior as "small penis syndrome")

Those that drive in the left lane with their lights smack into my mirror are also annoying. Adjusting the mirror to blind them usually gets them moving away (and it's fun too!)

I'm from Montreal, Canada. A rather crazy place during rush hours. Lived in Europe too, were driving is great. Ohio is fairly relaxed IMO


Audioholic Jedi
If it's truly an emergency, use your emergency flashers (hazard lights, whatever you want to call them) to let other people know that it is, in fact, an emergency. Emergency is generally indicated by flashing lights, at least with automobiles (ambulance, police, fire truck, etc.....). It's a quick, safe, non-volatile way to allow people to know that there is a problem and you are in a hurry.
In Ca, I believe it is illegal to drive with your hazzards on unless you actually have a problem with your car or a dangerous situation is present. Not 100% sure on that, but I do believe I heard that previously.

I hate drivers that think everyone else should get the hell out of their way just b/c they want to drive 10 or 20 over the speed limit. It's not your right to endanger MY life or anyone else's just b/c you think you need to drive fast, for whatever reason.
Agreed, but by the same token, it would be MUCH simpler to just get out of the way - that is called common courtesy. I do it to anyone driving fast enough to overtake me, and that should be the default.

If you think driving fast makes a big difference, do some math. It in fact doesn't make a big difference at all, rarely more than a few minutes for any distance that most people normally drive.

Take a 30 mile trip for instance...say the speed limit is 60mph. That will get you there in 30 minutes...easy right? Ok, say you want to drive 10 over, at 70mpg...wow, it still takes 25.7 minutes. Just over 4 minutes saved...how often have you really gotten in trouble for being only 5 minutes late? And how often could you have prevented it if you had only planned ahead anyway? Last check-20mph over at 80mph....some idiots do this and over 30 miles, only save 7.5 minutes of time. Still under 10 minutes difference. You know what? If you drove 60mph and took an extra 7.5 minutes, you aren't even fashionably late yet...in fact, you're pretty much right on the money for almost everything except maybe work...but again-plan ahead. Don't hit the snooze button for the 10th time.

Rant over.
That time saving thing was an eye opener to me when I took traffic school some years ago for an accident. You literally only save MINUTES when you speed, yet you increase the likelihood of an accident exponentially as well.
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Audioholic Chief
My truck has two lights on the back of it, mounted under the bumper with a switch in the cab. I use them for when I'm working at night. Anyways, this only works on quieter roads (doesn't seem to work on highways, not dark enough). If someone is tailgating me, I'll flip on those lights, and 9/10 they'll SLAM on their brakes. It's maybe a natural reaction to seeing white light (headlights!!!) instead of red (tail lights); it tricks them just enough to scare the **** out of them for a second. Cars you're basically guaranteed a slam on the brakes, because my lights go right into their face and they are mad bright. You get 10 extra points if they slam on them hard enough for them to smoke.

Not a good idea to do if the person looks like a loonie, because it will REALLY piss them off. haha. I did it to a girl once who was tailgating me and she actually got out and yelled at me at the next stop light. I couldn't stop laughing, which made her even more pissed.

If I can move out of the way though, I do. Miami has too many nutbags.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
you guys should drive in the Philippines.

make everything you complain about look like kidstuff. :)


Senior Audioholic
I learned when I learned how to drive the easiest way to deal with tail gaiters is to just slow down. I don't hit my brakes or anything I just let off the gas. I drive a manual Jeep that drops speed like it's going out of style when off the gas. You get up my *** I have no prob doing 10 under the limit, and I"m usually 10 over it, I always leave with enough time to get where I'm going.

Hell, if I can and it's a small enough road I'll make your life hell and slow down next to an 18 wheeler or something to block you from getting by. Yeah, I'm that ********* but if you're up my a$$ then it's your prob not mine.



Full Audioholic
The bumper sticker on the tailgate of my pickup says it all....

Are you a FAGGOT, Get off my A@@......
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
Tailgating is one of my major pet peeves. I don't tailgate others and I really cannot stand it when people tailgate me, especially when I'm already going 10 over the speed limit. I use my cruise control and usually set it about 7 MPH over the posted limit.

My commute takes me on a variety of roads, from a rual two lane, to a two lane 60 MPH highway, to a four lane highway, to city streets. I run into so many idiot drivers that I am amazed I have not yet gone completely insane.

People drive 5 under side by side in sunny dry weather. People drive the limit or less in the passing lane and NEVER move over. People tailgate instead of passing in the open passing lane. People who have been driving 5 under speed up when I pass them. People pull out in front of me, force me to slam the brakes, and drive obsurdly slow. Just the other day I passed someone who was driving 25 in a 45 in clear dry weather and they blasted their horn and flashed their lights.

I could go on for a very long time with the list of things that drive me nuts. I'm completely calm about it, however. I don't show my anger. I don't act like an idiot. I'll take a chance to pass a slow driver and I'll pass them very quickly but I don't provoke. I do pass more often with my new car because it has a lot more reserve power than my old one. ;) I realize that I'm not saving any real time by driving slightly over the speed limit but I sure fit in better with the general flow of traffic. Slow drivers, in my experience, cause MANY more problems than people doing 10 over.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I hate it when people equate going the speed limit with going slow. It is actually the maximum speed. If someone wants to go over, that is their prerogative, but they shouldn't expect me to go out of my way to make it eaier for them.


Full Audioholic
I hate it when people equate going the speed limit with going slow. It is actually the maximum speed. If someone wants to go over, that is their prerogative, but they shouldn't expect me to go out of my way to make it eaier for them.
Actually, being "in the way" has very little to do with the speed you are going.

You should be on the right hand lane to start with (or middle or righ lane in 3 lanes highway).

If you obey that basic traffic rule (check your state traffic code again if you doubt me), you will NEVER be in anyone's way and can drive at whatever speed you fancy...


Senior Audioholic
I learned when I learned how to drive the easiest way to deal with tail gaiters is to just slow down. I don't hit my brakes or anything I just let off the gas. I drive a manual Jeep that drops speed like it's going out of style when off the gas. You get up my *** I have no prob doing 10 under the limit, and I"m usually 10 over it, I always leave with enough time to get where I'm going.

Hell, if I can and it's a small enough road I'll make your life hell and slow down next to an 18 wheeler or something to block you from getting by. Yeah, I'm that ********* but if you're up my a$$ then it's your prob not mine.

The bumper sticker on the tailgate of my pickup says it all....

Are you a FAGGOT, Get off my A@@......
Can't you two just move over to the other/right lane rather than inflicting road rage? There are usually two lanes, whenever possible drive on the RIGHT, especially when you are SLOWERRR than the limit. Why do you need to take the time pissing those tailgaters off?

Tailgating is one of my major pet peeves. I don't tailgate others and I really cannot stand it when people tailgate me, especially when I'm already going 10 over the speed limit. I use my cruise control and usually set it about 7 MPH over the posted limit.

My commute takes me on a variety of roads, from a rual two lane, to a two lane 60 MPH highway, to a four lane highway, to city streets. I run into so many idiot drivers that I am amazed I have not yet gone completely insane.

People drive 5 under side by side in sunny dry weather. People drive the limit or less in the passing lane and NEVER move over. People tailgate instead of passing in the open passing lane. People who have been driving 5 under speed up when I pass them. People pull out in front of me, force me to slam the brakes, and drive obsurdly slow. Just the other day I passed someone who was driving 25 in a 45 in clear dry weather and they blasted their horn and flashed their lights.

I could go on for a very long time with the list of things that drive me nuts. I'm completely calm about it, however. I don't show my anger. I don't act like an idiot. I'll take a chance to pass a slow driver and I'll pass them very quickly but I don't provoke. I do pass more often with my new car because it has a lot more reserve power than my old one. ;) I realize that I'm not saving any real time by driving slightly over the speed limit but I sure fit in better with the general flow of traffic. Slow drivers, in my experience, cause MANY more problems than people doing 10 over.
I, too, drive fast..usually at 10 over the posted limit. Many times i drive on the left lane. Any car catching up on me faster than my speed, i will give them way as soon as i can. Heck, even when i saw them coming from a long distance, i usually am already out of their way. If they tailgate me, i don't brake check, it is dangerous to me and others. I will proceed at my speed until i can move out of their way.

One of the things that makes me mad is those who drive at speed limit even slower on the left. When i try passing them from the RIGHT, since they don't make any effort to move, they speed up...Now what do you call that? I just had one this weekend...Thank God, i drive better than this stupid a$$....who thinks his jeep is faster than mine and who thinks he can drive...:mad:


Senior Audioholic
I hate it when people equate going the speed limit with going slow. It is actually the maximum speed. If someone wants to go over, that is their prerogative, but they shouldn't expect me to go out of my way to make it eaier for them.
Welcome! You are one of those ignorant guys on the road that impede traffic...You are called the instigator...;)

Definition per DMV website:
Of course, the other extreme is the instigator―the driver who infuriates other drivers by driving under the speed limit, skipping turn signals, slowing down early for exits, accelerating unevenly, and hogging lanes. If this sounds like you, maybe you've already been the victim of road rage.
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Audioholic Samurai
If you obey that basic traffic rule (check your state traffic code again if you doubt me), you will NEVER be in anyone's way and can drive at whatever speed you fancy...
It is inevitable, that if one drives enough they will eventually be in "somebody's way." However, upon reflection, it's really not "their way" at all...as a public thoroughfare, it is our way...so one couldn't possibly be in another's way on a public thoroughfare (if they "obey the basic traffic rules")...unless an emergency vehicle comes about. :)

And if one "obeys the basic traffic rules," how can they possibly "drive at whatever speed you fancy?" Following "the basic traffic rules" includes obeying the speed limit...corrrect? Or can we just pick and choose willy-nilly which rules we follow, and which we choose not to follow?


Senior Audioholic
It is inevitable, that if one drives enough they will eventually be in "somebody's way." It's really not "their way" at all...as a public thoroughfare, it is our way...so one couldn't possibly be in another's way on a public thoroughfare (if they "obey the basic traffic rules")...unless an emergency vehicle comes about. :)

And if one "obeys that basic traffic rules," how can they possibly "drive at whatever speed you fancy?" Following "the basic traffic rules" includes obeying the speed limit...corrrect? Or can we just puick and choose willy-nilly which rules we follow, and which we choose not to follow?
Those speeders, tailgaters or whatever you call them are not yours to catch, yelled at and disciplined. Let the police do their job for that. If you choose to drive strictly at the speed limit, more power to you. Please do so on the RIGHT lane or at least try to move out of the way if that's also possible if there are more than one lane. It is called courtesy on the road.

Disclaimer: "YOU" does not mean you particularly JohnD...i am just adding my personal view based on what you said. :)


Full Audioholic
It's a speed limit.

Meaning, you can drive at whatever speed you want up to that speed...

Except on most Interstate where a minimum speed is also prescribed... :)

+10mph being generaly accepted by the law enforcement agency, I'll take advantage of it and usually drive that much faster. Except in residential area where I stick to the posted limit...

It's funny that since I've started to drive on race tracks, my street speed has gone done. What most people think is "fast" on the road is in fact pretty slow compared to a race track...

I agree it's our way! :)


Audioholic Samurai
It's a speed limit.

Meaning, you can drive at whatever speed you want up to that speed...
Untrue. If one is driving too slowly they can be cited for impeding traffic or other offenses.

It's funny that since I've started to drive on race tracks, my street speed has gone done. What most people think is "fast" on the road is in fact pretty slow compared to a race track...
Perhaps Kolia. But I'm not "most people." I am not confounded by speeds, and I never confuse the road with a race track. I think that's the underlying problem here that no one has yet mentioned: far too many drivers consider the road their private race track. :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
Those speeders, tailgaters or whatever you call them are not yours to catch, yelled at and disciplined. Let the police do their job for that. If you choose to drive strictly at the speed limit, more power to you. Please do so on the RIGHT lane or at least try to move out of the way if that's also possible if there are more than one lane. It is called courtesy on the road.

Disclaimer: "YOU" does not mean you particularly JohnD...i am just adding my personal view based on what you said. :)
Understood...and I agree masak_aer. I never stated that it is my province to catch speeders, or to yell at them or discipline them. But courtesy is not confined to slow drivers...those that choose to speed and put other's lives at risk could pass courteously, and/or courteously forewarn the front driver that he desires to pass. And it is my province to call in reckless driving...as it is anyone's. :)

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