My main objection to guns is that we are becoming a "gun culture". Rather than being something for use only in extreme circumstances, guns are almost taken for granted. Eventually, practically everybody will have a gun and be prepared to point them at each other at the drop of a hat, at which point nobody will ever be safe. It is already that way in some inner-city areas
Rant over.
...Becoming a "gun culture"?
I'd say that started with the Pilgrims. This country has a pretty long history of private gun ownership, and I'm sure there were times when "practically everybody"
did have a gun. If they hadn't, we would probably still be paying taxes to England

It sounds harsh, but whether guns in the hands of private citizens is causing more harm than good today is irrelevant. The phrase earlier in the thread about "protected carry rights" had nothing to do with protecting a person. Our State (I live in the same one as Tomorrow) recognises that the
right to carry a firearm is
protected by the Constitution.
Many of us believe that the second ammendment is very clear -
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The people have a
right to have and carry a firearm.
Some think the word
Militia in the first line means the National Guard, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.
Then there are some, like Rosie O'Donnell, who think it means we can all have flintlocks

So, if the "anti-gun culture" wants to confiscate all firearms and forbid gun ownership, there is a procedure provided for in the Constitution: Repeal the second ammendment.
Since it would probably be political suicide for any lawmaker to tamper with the Bill of Rights, the second ammendment is just ignored or mis-read (intentionally?) by municipalities that think the end justifies any means.
While we're at it, wouldn't searching every house in the country, or every person on the street also deter crime? Think of the crack-houses that could be shut down or the property that could be recovered from thieves if the police didn't need to worry about that pesky fourth ammendment
