massive dips -
^^^This is a problem^^^ You never want to boost massive dips....
yes the 1124 will be fine for EQ
From the PM you sent me, it sounds like you are pushing the limits of your subs and driving your amps into clipping which is why your subs are "farting" that is the limiter built into the amp which will protect the driver....
2 things, 1 you need to start either working on better placement to get rid of some of those peaks and dips and you can't be boosting the nulls - which will strain the amps to deliver what you are looking for in your room, only pull down the peaks to get as smooth as you can...
It might be time for you to be looking at different / larger subs to fill your needs in the bass dept - a pair of the 18" LMS's might just be the ticket here for you... Your problems with the LFE scenes in certain movies is 2 fold - 1, the subs are high passed internally and will roll off or kick in the limiters below 18hz, so you get nothing below that and many a movie these days has huge material below that point... Placement can assist in possibly fixing those nulls or bass traps to absorb the cancellation that is going on... Then EQ after you find the best placement.
Perhaps you have outgrown the JL's, which is what I had - and It might be time for you to be looking at different / larger subs to fill your needs in the bass dept - a pair of the 18" LMS's might just be the ticket here for you, which have a touch better SQ but FAR more output then the JL's... You can get the drivers at PE, have Nathan at Funky Waves build you a pair of cabinets and use external amps like I do for a pretty good bargain. A pair of EP4000, 1 for each will likely be more then you need for this project.