Ok, I had to update the title of the thread..as its not HSU ULS-15 vs JL Audio e110 anymore.
Infact, JL Audio is not in consideration anymore(based on feedback on price/performance,room size,budget(1.5K max for sub). I measured the room size again, 4200 cubic ft in total(HT section ~1000 cubic ft). Listening level=moderate and occasionally high with movies.
HSU's subs are impressive but only 2yr warranty on electronics, no free shipping both ways . In this aspect, both SVS and PSA fare better ..SVS has the most attractive policy seems like(including 1yr trade-up policy,90 day defective exchange,1yr perf guarantee etc)..
Few choices I have narrowed down to, ( no offence to Jim or shadyJ on their recommendations..have learned a lot the past few days)
SVS PB2000(PB12 looks great plus not compact..weighs twice as pb2000. Can add 2nd pb2000 later..I just don't want to buy two now)
PSA s1500( Jim excluded this)
PSA v1500
Anyone can share their experiences with SVS PB2000 and PSA v1500 please ?
QQ: thinking about dual-smaller-sub vs single larger/more-powerful-sub. Anyone can attest to this,
Thanks ..(this has taken longer than other speakers!)