I know, it's so annoying when minorities expect to be treated with respect and access to their constitutional rights when it's inconvenient. You know, WTF?, most of us are Christians, and the US was founded by Christians, and most of us are comfortable with crosses and other Christian symbols, and this is a 70-year tradition, so all of you Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and any atheists brave enough to reveal themselves, STFU and leave us in the majority alone!
Yes, I'm turning the contrast way up for the sake of humor, but this wasn't like going to a church for a Methodist wedding, this was a public school graduation ceremony. Personally, if I had been there I wouldn't have said a thing no matter what I was thinking, but I can see where some sensitive folks and the ACLU think government bodies should be role models about the constitution and US laws, so they press issues seemingly unimportant to the majority. Like whether or not the Confederate flag should be flown by state governments. I grew up in a place where a mixed marriage was a Catholic and a Protestant, so perhaps I'm a little jaded, but I understand the sentiment.
My point is that a small group gets all verklempt about something that's not actually hurting them, like the graduation ceremony, so they bring in the ACLU or some other legal beagle, to force a change to their liking. I'm not referring to racial, ethnic or religious minorities being oppressed, discriminated against, rounded up for internment camps, etc. However, if some small group decides to wage some kind of battle against our way of life because they want sweeping change for all of us when not all of us want those changes and major shifts will cause all kinds of disruptions and stagnation of the economy & normal government operations, I have a problem with that. Change for the sake of change isn't a good way to operate.
WRT the bakery in Oregon- they have been fined $135K- how did they decide on that amount and now that they have driven the bakery owners out of business, the State says they'll slap a lien on the couple's home if they don't pay. OK, they closed their shop in Sept, 2013- it's likely that they CAN'T pay and they have few options. They also have two young kids, their car has been vandalized, they have received threats and they have received a ton of bad press. The woman who went to the shop to place an order could have gone to a different bakery, eventually getting over the refusal. Who has been hurt more? I'm looking at the details, not making a statement about the brides who couldn't have a cake from this bakery and don't read anything into this.
Used to be that anyone who was seen as different, was driven out of town, or killed. Since people have shown that, as a large group, we aren't as smart as we think, we need laws to keep some from killing and doing other stupid things to each other. Sure, we have made great technological advances but humanity has taken a back seat. I used to hear "If you're angry, count to ten before doing anything", kids used to have a saying about "Sticks and stones", we used to say "Live and let live" and Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".
When the Federal government moves to eliminate state powers, we're all in trouble.
You had Catholics marrying Protestants? What kind of hippie commune was that?