Finally had some hours this weekend to play around with setup, moving speakers around and switching back and forth between the Brio phono pre-amp and the Fono Mini.
First, I am even more impressed by the Brio amp than I was at first. I don't have much basis for comparison, as all I've owned in the past are some decent mid range AV amps, but at all volume levels, the Brio is much cleaner and punchier than any amp that I've owned in the past. I am very happy with it.
Now onto the phono pre-amp. When I first hooked up the Brio, I put away the loner Fono Mini that they sent me when I bought the Planar 3. My first few albums through, I was somewhat dismayed. While it was still cleaner, more transparent than the Marantz amp I replaced, there was something missing. Vocals were clean and clear, but very forward. It was as though the singer was standing right in front of me, while the rest of the band was standing in the background. Given the types of music I listen to most, this wasn't what I wanted. I hooked up the Fono Mini yesterday after a couple hours, and was immediately impressed. While vocals are still clean and clear, they are more laid back, not so in your face. And the music! Jeff Healey's guitar took on new life that I'd never heard before. I spent a couple hours with Healey and AC/DC, then moved onto John Lee Hooker. I spent the next half hour drooling uncontrollably. The piano had a SWEET sound that rings throughout the listening area, while Hooker's guitar and gravelly voice can almost be felt. Needless to say, I am VERY happy with the purchase, and would heavily recommend an additional pre-amp be bought for anyone who plans on using a Brio with a turntable. Not sure if I'm going to stick with the Fono Mini or step up to the Fono MM Mk3, but one thing is certain, I won't be using the built-in pre-amp ever again.
Of course, YMMV and just my 2 cents.