OK I see what he is saying. I have always considered Deftech to be fine for what they are, not great, but not bad either, but I only have a little bit of experience with a couple of their speakers. Didn't hear anything wrong at the time. Here are a few measurements:
Stereophile, another
Stereophile, and
S&V. Soundstage has a
handful too. Some measure well, others don't measure that great. I would say you can do worse than Deftech.
As for the value in terms of cost of components vs MSRP, I don't think that is quite the best way to look at it. The drivers and crossover components probably weren't very expensive parts, but to bring a speaker to market has a lot of other costs to consider. There is design work, assembly costs, marketing costs, storage fees, transportation, retail costs, and so on. Deftech has to keep their lights on and so do the stores that their speakers are sold at. This guy compares DT to JTR. Well, you can't walk in a store that is a 10 min drive away and buy a JTR product. Once you buy a JTR speaker, there is a wait while it is built. Outside of message boards and internet chatter, there is nothing to alert you to the fact that JTR even exists, since JTR's marketing budget is microscopic compared to DT's. As was mentioned, JTR makes just about zero concession to spouse approval factor. Deftech makes speakers that fit far more people's criteria than JTR. Yes, you get much higher quality components for the cost of the speaker with JTR, but the comparison between these two speaker brands is absurd.