For an alternate perspective, see this column by my fellow pinko-lefty, Nicholas Kristof:
Let Them Sweat - Op-Ed -
Yup the one article was saying that it costs $8.00 US to manufacter an I-phone. Customers pay over $500.00 for them here. Apple could make them here in North America and still make billions in profit and keep the jobs here if they actually cared.
Here's what a lot of people who spout off about issues of international political economy without being qualified to do so don't understand: no, they couldn't.
Not only would they have to build a new infrastructure here, but their suppliers would, too.
If you want a $3000 iPhone, then scream "build 'em here!"
Shirt A no longer exists, or if it does as a niche product that members of unions buy.
It makes sense that where costs of labor are higher, the products they make need to have value added. Using expensive labor to zip through 20,000 $10 commodity undershirts a day is just inefficient. Using expensive labor to tailor a $600 dress shirt makes sense.