I think pzaur has been the closest so far here is stating that the two party system is broken.
Neither party truly represents the people anymore. They only represent who is financing their next election campaign. There is too much money flowing into Washington, and now, even on the state levels. If candidates would actually run on what is true and right for America and it's Citizens, regardless of the liberal media backlash, they would win. This goes at all levels of govenrment.
Get rid of fundrasing campaigns and have real debates from real people with real uncensored questions. Put the candidates in the hotseat so we can see who and what they are really all about. They have to answer the question, no dodging. This isn't dodgeball, it is the presidency of the United States. Yo have to give them props because Bill and Hillary could beat any dodgeball team in the world they are so great at dodging.
Someone stated before that voting for someone other than one of the big two parties is a wasted vote. The thing that is wasted is by voting for one of the two is your vote and your voice. People expect change but they keep voting for the exact same two parties, who are more or less the same thing, since neither of them get anything done that is right for the Country. If people would stop voting the same candidates into office every year at local levels all the way up, you might see things change. Everytime someone wastes a vote on someone they do not believe is a good choice, but did it because their choice "didn't have a chance", a little more of the real America dies.
It is a good thing that people during the Revolutionary war did not see things this way, or we would be a rather large English colony. If I remember correctly, 13 little colonies beat out the premier military power in the world in securing their freedom.
One definition of insanity is to continue to do the same action but expect a different result each time. Voting Demican or Republicrat in this country has begun to reach these levels. All of these politicians put on the shiny clothes and wonderful speeches during election time to make everyone feel good about their choice. After the elections it is the same old same old, pimp your special interest groups and pander to who is going to support your re-election campaign. Screw the people that voted you in, they were blind enough before, they will be blind enough again.