To mr. zipper...
...I'll make an assumption that part of your post was intended for me...It's difficult to tell with all the seemingly unrelated banter in that light...
No, I'm not taking anything personal...I'm hardly defending fact, this past Saturday while visiting a local "warehouse-style" shopping club, I happened upon a display for a Bose 1-2-3 HTIB...while my better-half was going about her business I decided to play with the demo presentation and in the midst of it some fellow strolled over to take a gander. After a few minutes he opined "Bose IS the best, isn't it?" which I responded "Define best"...Well, after the standard yada, yada, yada, I explained to him that while I owned a few Bose products and they suited MY needs, there are any number of others who feel that Bose is overpriced, over-hyped, underperforming junk and further, that if his opinion is based simply on advertising slogans, without any real firsthand knowledge, he would do well to visit a hi-fi shop and listen for himself. I also explained the shortcomings re: potential upgrading (short of starting from scratch) and interfacing problems at the outset. The system does sound impressive...but...well, but.
I wasn't writing any off anyone as "...blithering idiots..." for any other reason than the lack of intelligent discourse and certainly not to make me "...feel better..." I really have no reason to inflate my self-esteem(note my moniker)I'm quite comfortable with myself, warts and all. I just wish all the Bose-bashing was based on real, first-hand experience, not merely jumping on the bandwagon of corporate condemnation and cheap shots. And I don't mean in a hi-fi(or lo-fi if you prefer)shop...unfortunately, I find myself in a position using some of the same type of rhetoric as do the wire-wackos...'ceptin' for the fact that I know wire is wire(and nothing can change that) and loudspeakers are a whole 'nother thing!
Before you write me off as some inexperienced aural virgin, prior to purchasing the 901s, I auditioned nearly all of their contemporaries, Advent, Allison, AR, Dynaco, Dahlquist, etc. there was something about the Bose design that intrigued me and the sound produced was unlike any of the I went with my gut, again, 30yrs. ago...the DQ-10s were nice, but there was something that sounded "off" to was only in later years I discovered the existence of the mirror-imaging mod and the improvement that it made...perhaps they would have been my choice if produced as modded...but still, they were a five-way design and all that crossover!!!
Insofar as my attitude re: the corporate suited swine, my displeasure with them is second to none...however this is hi-fi, a discretionary commodity at best and not something important like prescription drugs and such...
jimHJJ(...BTW, thanks for your response...)