Thanks theJman for the links to XTZ. I went to their site & looked around a bit. I know you cant judge a product by their website but WOW!!!
XTZ has SO many grammar errors its embarrassing! Not only do they spell a lot of words wrong but the sentences dont flow or sound right. Im sorry im not trying to bash or troll but it is really suprising that in this day'n'age a company that is trying to sell "high-end" products (or any company for the matter) can have a site that actually turns me off to them because it makes them seem inadequate.
Its just that, if they are going to take the time to put together a site, they should at the very least proof-read. Makes me wonder how their quality control is with their products. Its too bad because the subs look kinda decent.
Yea, I know what you mean; the English on the XTZ website is almost as bad as yours.

Sorry, no offense, I just couldn't resist... All kidding aside, it's interesting you should mention that because those are my thoughts exactly. But I guess that statement warrants a bit of a further explanation from me.
Until about September of this year XTZ was a company who's products were only available in Europe. They just opened a distribution center in Chicago, and I was perhaps the first person in North America to buy something from them. Since I was such an "early adopter" I've been dealing directly with the CEO and President of the company in Sweden, primarily because they weren't completely setup when I first approached them.
Since that initial contact the three of us have collaborated on several other things, among them has been me lending assisting and guidance with the way we do things in the US. It's not a position with an official capacity, but we have exchanged many an email on how things are done on this side of the pond. One of the items I've been hammering them on, from the very beginning, is to get the website up to snuff, and to do so quickly. As you've probably already surmised, that hasn't happened.
A bunch of the issues are related purely to the translation, and you can see evidence of that if you go to the companies
main website. I guess there are certain English words that simply don't have Swedish counterparts so they improvise, often with humorous results, but in the end it does tend to make them look a bit less than professional.
I can tell you that the products are solid, and will compete with anything in their price class. Once they get the website issues rectified I think they'll be good to go, but for now you're right; the impression is not great. I will be sending them a link to your post though, so they can see what I've been trying to tell them for the past 3 months.
Im glad to hear your sub from them is good. You are a better advertisement then their own site haha!

i hope we can get a proffesional review of one of their subs with actual measurement tests.
I've contacted Gene about that very thing, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. For a decidedly non-professional review you can check out
this link. It's something I wrote, so don't expect too much...