Smallish 2.1 System for Bar/Lounge



So we are converting our Front Room into a bar/lounge. I've purchased two Triad InCeiling Silver 6 / MiniMonitors which have been described as Super Audiophile. Now I need a sub which will be used for 100% music and am intererested in your opinions.

The room is 11' x 15' with 9' ceilings, I have a budget of around $500ish - $1000ish (+/-) for the sub. We listen to a very broad range of music but in this room the theme would mainly stuff like US3 (Rap-Jazz), Dave Matthews, Jazz, Classic Rock...

As the room is generally smallish I was originally looking at the Rythmik F12 but as most know they are out of stock and amp's aren't anticipated to be available for at least 4 weeks.

What are the thoughts on the SVS SB12-NSD, what are some other comparables?

Another option would be to move an Energy ESW-V10 that I have in our living room to the bar where it might be more appropriately sized. The room is huge at 30'x16' with 12' ceilings and while the Energy Sub does an acceptable job its small for this size room.


I'll vote for a sealed sub since a lower order tends to mean better transient response, from what I remember of that course in electric circuits. I suspect manufacturers favour ported because "louder" and "deeper" home theatre buyers more than "musical", which is often an adjective applied to sealed box subs.

On that budget, I'd buy a couple sheets of 3/4 or 1" MDF, two 12" to 15" drivers and a used stereo amp of between 200 and 500 watts/channel. Or possibly I'd give into temptation and buy just one Trio12 from CSS and build the (criminally insane) horn version which could hopefully serve as seating or a podium for dancing.

Lack of tools shouldn't be an issue; one secondhand router, a minimal set of "imported" carbide bits on sale, and "screwdigger" that drills pilot holes and countersinks in one go. Use the router to make a circle guide from scrap. If no drill available, buy used, or a cordless one with no battery and kluge a way to power it from the nearest car battery; when it comes to driving in the umpteen decking screws, a driver drill is not a luxury.


Audioholic General
A decent 10" can sound great for music. Specially music in a bar area. Id first try moving the Energy in there. If that little guy makes you happy for music then id invest in a bigger better sub for the larger ljvingroom system. Thats assuming you have a system in the livingroom & watch movies over there. Then youd have a clean 10" in the small bar & end up with a 12" or 15" to destroy your movie experience!! (thats a good thing!) :)


Audioholic Chief
I own an XTZ 99 W10.16, which does a real good job with HT and music in a smallish room (13x17x8). With your budget you could easily get it's bigger brother, the 99 W12.16, or even the top-of-the-line 99 W12.18.

Those links are to the piano black finished units, but most of them come in a Matte finish as well.


Audioholic General
Thanks theJman for the links to XTZ. I went to their site & looked around a bit. I know you cant judge a product by their website but WOW!!!

XTZ has SO many grammar errors its embarrassing! Not only do they spell a lot of words wrong but the sentences dont flow or sound right. Im sorry im not trying to bash or troll but it is really suprising that in this day'n'age a company that is trying to sell "high-end" products (or any company for the matter) can have a site that actually turns me off to them because it makes them seem inadequate.

Its just that, if they are going to take the time to put together a site, they should at the very least proof-read. Makes me wonder how their quality control is with their products. Its too bad because the subs look kinda decent.

Im glad to hear your sub from them is good. You are a better advertisement then their own site haha! :) i hope we can get a proffesional review of one of their subs with actual measurement tests.

P.S. The piano finish looks nice.


Audioholic Chief
Thanks theJman for the links to XTZ. I went to their site & looked around a bit. I know you cant judge a product by their website but WOW!!!

XTZ has SO many grammar errors its embarrassing! Not only do they spell a lot of words wrong but the sentences dont flow or sound right. Im sorry im not trying to bash or troll but it is really suprising that in this day'n'age a company that is trying to sell "high-end" products (or any company for the matter) can have a site that actually turns me off to them because it makes them seem inadequate.

Its just that, if they are going to take the time to put together a site, they should at the very least proof-read. Makes me wonder how their quality control is with their products. Its too bad because the subs look kinda decent.
Yea, I know what you mean; the English on the XTZ website is almost as bad as yours. :D:p Sorry, no offense, I just couldn't resist... All kidding aside, it's interesting you should mention that because those are my thoughts exactly. But I guess that statement warrants a bit of a further explanation from me.

Until about September of this year XTZ was a company who's products were only available in Europe. They just opened a distribution center in Chicago, and I was perhaps the first person in North America to buy something from them. Since I was such an "early adopter" I've been dealing directly with the CEO and President of the company in Sweden, primarily because they weren't completely setup when I first approached them.

Since that initial contact the three of us have collaborated on several other things, among them has been me lending assisting and guidance with the way we do things in the US. It's not a position with an official capacity, but we have exchanged many an email on how things are done on this side of the pond. One of the items I've been hammering them on, from the very beginning, is to get the website up to snuff, and to do so quickly. As you've probably already surmised, that hasn't happened.

A bunch of the issues are related purely to the translation, and you can see evidence of that if you go to the companies main website. I guess there are certain English words that simply don't have Swedish counterparts so they improvise, often with humorous results, but in the end it does tend to make them look a bit less than professional.

I can tell you that the products are solid, and will compete with anything in their price class. Once they get the website issues rectified I think they'll be good to go, but for now you're right; the impression is not great. I will be sending them a link to your post though, so they can see what I've been trying to tell them for the past 3 months.

Im glad to hear your sub from them is good. You are a better advertisement then their own site haha! :) i hope we can get a proffesional review of one of their subs with actual measurement tests.
I've contacted Gene about that very thing, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. For a decidedly non-professional review you can check out this link. It's something I wrote, so don't expect too much...


Audioholic General
Whad du u meen? My inglish is prefect!!!! Tssssss!!! :)

Haha. Your not kidding, half the time i post is from my iphone & typically its when my work partner is driving us home. Im working on proof reading my posts fyi.

Well i figured it was from a language barrier. Glad to hear they are planning on smoothing their site out. I think people will take them as more legit because it is very distracting when your on the site. The subs look nice & they very well may perform outstanding but image goes a long way. Again i wasnt trying to be rude & look forward to seeing how they match up!

Hopefully Gene gets back to you. Hes VERY busy but im sure he'll eventually get around to you.

Thanks for introducing us to them!


Audioholic Chief
Whad du u meen? My inglish is prefect!!!! Tssssss!!! :)

Again i wasnt trying to be rude & look forward to seeing how they match up!
I didn't think you were being rude at all - what you were saying was spot on, they do need to spruce up the website quite a bit. I sent the CEO and President a link to your post, so hopefully that drives the point home. The products are first rate, but if you look at the website it's clearly not.

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