Site for sensible discussion of technical issues surrounding GOM oil leak.

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Audioholic Ninja
what I can't get my head around is the fact that so many purported 'americans' betray their Country to defend a foreign corporation
the only conclusion, their racism and hatred for the duly elected President has clouded thier perception, and in fact, causing borderline treasonous position, ie, BP > US citizens...
Well, that's certainly a bigoted paragraph.

one that has show total disregard for our safety laws (>600 eregious, willful, violations...only 1 WASN'T BP!)
Actually over 700. In the same time-frame Exxon got 1. BP has been a very bad player (or far less successful at bribing inspectors); though we can't talk about this failure without Haliburton and Transocean.

trust me, BP will look out for theirselves (and only theirselves) they have more lawyers and PR working the 'problem' than engineers...
I agree here as well: BP Is certainly focused on its bottom line.

and the same people that think BP should do what they want, without regard to law or safety, criticize the President for looking out for Americans first...
when a crime is committed, time is of the essence, hence the criminal probe NOW, while the evidence is's not like it's distracting from the effort to minimize damage...lawyers aren't engineers and have nothing to do with that process, it's no diversion of's SMART and good for the US, who cares about BP...
I was ready to argue your conclusion when I realized that your premise seems to lack "truthiness". I don't believe the President is spearheading the criminal investigations.

yep, read it and would most likely work...
that's why they won't do it...
they want the oil, they don't want to STOP the oil...
Your conclusion does not flow from your premise. A relief well is already underway. Stoppig this flow will not stop access to this pocket (and indeed there's no rig in place to use this flow). All this is doing is costing BP a lot.

I suspect they want it stopped, and though I don't think there are competing interests that would stop them from wishing it stopped to a convenient geinie: there are certainly issues that cause them to want to cover the scope and cause and, as a result, may inhibit stopping this flow.

We are discussing a company with $3billion in profit last quarter, looking at billions in losses to the Gulf damage. Getting their hands on the oil in this one well now (as opposed to later) doesn't seem likely to be a priority.

I've got the red chiclits to prove my anti-Bush pro-progressive credentials; and I think you are being irrational in your perspective.


according to some on here yes, your healthcare system makes you socialist...

US dead >4400 (out of 4700 total 'coalition')
UK ~ 180

the UK's population is 1/5th the US's
yet we had 25 times the casualties

don't get me wrong, I think you guys were smarter than us for not getting more involved in this fiasco...

I hold NO corporations on a pedastal...Dow, Exxon, BP, they should all be broken for their crimes...regardless of nationality...

To be honest with me being British, I feel that you are just being disrespectful and downright rude towards Britian. Since when are we socialist? Just because we have free healthcare on the NHS?
And how is this our fault?

Your figures in Iraq are also vastly lower than they actually were, the UK army alone provided about 45,000 troops which is about half our total Army minus reserves compared to 248,000 US troops which is approx half of your Army. Plus we were/are involved in the war in Afghanistan. We actually contribute/d the second most in both of these wars. We are a much much smaller country than the USA.

Plus we provide territory for US forces in the UK and several other places such as Deigo Garcia which is one of the most important bases for the US in the middle east.

BP is actually a multi-national company and despite Obama repeatedly calling it 'British Petroleum' its been called 'BP' for years.

Looking at past incidents involving USA companies such as the Bhopal chemical disaster and Torrey Canyon oil spill, it seems difficult to gain compensation or use legal means as the company ignores the issue yet when a similar incident happens on the USA's shores they go all out to blame everyone else when they authorised BP to drill in that area firstly.
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yes, they are bigoted

the President will determine justice dept targets and involvement except when it comes to him being under scrutiny

my conclusion comes from 'fact'
they have not stopped it
they can stop it
logic dictates they do not want to stop it

BP rolled the dice, this one blew up, hundreds didn''s all part of the business plan, the calculus of death vs profit...
their 700 violations confirm this as their modus operandi

for some reason your evaluation of my rationality has no 'value'
if I placed weight on what every internet clown said I'd be reacting to your post like you did mine, lol
it DOESN'T matter

Well, that's certainly a bigoted paragraph.

Actually over 700. In the same time-frame Exxon got 1. BP has been a very bad player (or far less successful at bribing inspectors); though we can't talk about this failure without Haliburton and Transocean.

I agree here as well: BP Is certainly focused on its bottom line.

I was ready to argue your conclusion when I realized that your premise seems to lack "truthiness". I don't believe the President is spearheading the criminal investigations.

Your conclusion does not flow from your premise. A relief well is already underway. Stoppig this flow will not stop access to this pocket (and indeed there's no rig in place to use this flow). All this is doing is costing BP a lot.

I suspect they want it stopped, and though I don't think there are competing interests that would stop them from wishing it stopped to a convenient geinie: there are certainly issues that cause them to want to cover the scope and cause and, as a result, may inhibit stopping this flow.

We are discussing a company with $3billion in profit last quarter, looking at billions in losses to the Gulf damage. Getting their hands on the oil in this one well now (as opposed to later) doesn't seem likely to be a priority.

I've got the red chiclits to prove my anti-Bush pro-progressive credentials; and I think you are being irrational in your perspective.


Full Audioholic
If we were truely socialist then we would have a lot more stuff free than we do! We still pay for our healthcare through taxes which are not cheap and are set to rise to try to reduce our nations debt.
If we are socialist then is Canada, France, Norway etc? Quite a few other countries provide free or state subsidised healthcare in one form or another.


the large taxes and redistribution of that wealth makes you socialist to some, not me...

I believe in state mandated/subsidised healthcare...
it makes economic sense
you guys spend 1/2 as much for equal care (better in some cases)
it's inversely proportional, the more a government spends on healthcare, the lower % it is of the's a no brainer, but we don't have a lot of 'thinkers' in this country (most 'think' with their 'gut')...bunch of fat, self-centered, entitled whiners...
on one side you have the nut cases saying the government is the problem, on the other, the kooks who say it is the middle, moderate ground...we hate ourselves

If we were truely socialist then we would have a lot more stuff free than we do! We still pay for our healthcare through taxes which are not cheap and are set to rise to try to reduce our nations debt.
If we are socialist then is Canada, France, Norway etc? Quite a few other countries provide free or state subsidised healthcare in one form or another.


Junior Audioholic

I would love for those concerned the casing will split if the flow is stopped to explain HOW. As Arthur has explained, once plugged the pressure is static just like the plumbing in your home or a garden hose or a fire hose. In fact fire departments have pinch clamp that is used in the middle of a hose under pressure to allow them to add more hose sections without discharging the line. Once the flow volume is slowed substantially, then a top kill procedure can once again be employed.

According to the research, the flow pressure of the well is about 10,000PSI. The pump ships generate substantially more than that and through flexible hoses.

The casing looks to be about 2" thick walls of hardened steel and are designed to withstand extremely cold temperatures and the ocean's pressure at 5,000 ft of 2, 230 PSI trying to compress the pipe. The pressure of the drill mud plus the oil reservoir pressure are well within the capabilities of the pipe.


Audioholic Ninja
the President will determine justice dept targets and involvement except when it comes to him being under scrutiny
A claim of fact not in evidence. If you wish to argue this position, please prove your fact.

my conclusion comes from 'fact'
they have not stopped it
they can stop it
logic dictates they do not want to stop it
BP claims that they have no acceptable way to have stopped it. You disagree. To argue your conclusions, you must establish your premise.

BP rolled the dice, this one blew up, hundreds didn''s all part of the business plan, the calculus of death vs profit...
I agree... but this doesn't relate to the contentious parts of your claim.

for some reason your evaluation of my rationality has no 'value'
if I placed weight on what every internet clown said I'd be reacting to your post like you did mine, lol
it DOESN'T matter
Of course, I was specific in my critique, as I have been in this post. You have not responded to my actual criticism of your argument.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Geez, Art. The pit boss wants to come over to see how many race cards you've got in your deck. :D
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