Should Business Ethics Factor into What AV Companies You Purchase From?

Should the Business Ethics of AV Companies Influence Your Purchasing Decisions?

  • Yes. Let's hold them accountable to their beliefs or practices?

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • No. Stay out of the politics and purchase what you like.

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Don't care. I buy second hand AV products.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Audioholic Samurai
WalMart is a common punching bag for people who hate big business.

Again, writing like a child who can't stop insulting others. Really?

Would you pay higher income tax if your rate was lowered, or would you just complain and keep the money?
Because you accused me of something that I did not even say because you are blinded by your own hatred and biases.
I bet you cheered fatso trump when he talked like a 10 year old and insulted everyone though.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk


Seriously, I have no life.
Because you accused me of something that I did not even say because you are blinded by your own hatred and biases.
I bet you cheered fatso trump when he talked like a 10 year old and insulted everyone though.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
Hatred? You're a loonie!

The last part about him talking like a 10 year old is one of the things I absolutely hate about him. There was no joy in the last two elections, for me. I can't stand listening to the guy. He's right there with Rush Limbaugh, in that regard.

I asked a friend if he listened to Limbaugh and he said "Only on long road trips- it's hard to fall asleep when your eyeballs are bouncing off of the windshield".


Audioholic Warlord
I'm still pissed that corporations off-shored so many jobs over the decades- throwing employees under the bus in order to make a pile of money is one of my pet peeves. I want US corporations to be able to compete without other countries dumping their goods in the markets but there are many reasons they can't- even if the CEO pay was in line with the other employees, it wouldn't matter to the corporate bottom line unless the company isn't operating at a profit and at that point, the pay should reflect the performance- zero profit=no pay for the top execs and I don't mean zero profit through accounting.

That said, low prices for imported goods and higher US wages made it impossible for US companies to compete, especially when Americans want four things:

Get what they want
Get it when they want it
All of the time
At the lowest price
There's not much to complain about here. I think 'bringing jobs home' has become a symbol for 'yeah lets pay more for the same goods we can get cheaper elsewhere.'


WalMart is a common punching bag for people who hate big business.

Again, writing like a child who can't stop insulting others. Really?

Would you pay higher income tax if your rate was lowered, or would you just complain and keep the money?
I don’t shop at WalMart because:

I have worked at WalMart suppliers and that aspect has been a big negative for me.

I like the idea of having choices so I support other businesses.

My family had a mom and pop retail business and I like to support small business.

I like to support local businesses.

I like to support businesses that support the local community through charitable donations and such.

Other businesses offer better pricing, value and service.

These are all valid reasons.

What are people reasons for shopping at WalMart?
Last edited:


Seriously, I have no life.
But you do come across as a Trump apologist, though, and have so for years. Eventually people come to think you do support Trump despite your protests that you do not.
No, but if he didn't do what he was accused of or didn't do what he's credited for, corrections are needed.

The 'people' you refer to are you and a couple of others. Anyone who actually knows me is aware of my feelings for him.


Seriously, I have no life.
There's not much to complain about here. I think 'bringing jobs home' has become a symbol for 'yeah lets pay more for the same goods we can get cheaper elsewhere.'
If the jobs are US-based, people will be working. I fail to see a problem with that.


Seriously, I have no life.
And I am not blaming that piece of garbage only. The republicans wrote that bill. It's a bill and tax cut they wanted forever. It was Paul Ryans dream for years, they finally had a boob who would sign it in trump.
Corporations not paying taxes, awful. People not going back to work, awful but that is going to end soon.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk
Paul Ryan, the lipless wonder? He's the Wisconsin version of Frank Burns, on MASH.

People will go back to work when they have no choice but right now, they're far from motivated to do that. I watched a bit of an interview with Wolfgang Puck and he said he can't find people who are willing to work at his restaurants in Hollywood, making $120K. Granted, I have heard that he can be a weapons-grade A-hole to work for, but waiting on people and making $120K? I guess the diners are worse than the owner.


Audioholic Warlord
If the jobs are US-based, people will be working. I fail to see a problem with that.
There's nothing wrong with that if you want to pay more. Complaining about our corporations though when they've moved half the world away and boat the goods back because it's still cheaper doesn't make much sense.


Seriously, I have no life.
What are people reasons for shopping at WalMart?
Some have no choice because of a lack of money or because they drove all of the other small businesses out. I hate the latter reason. It's like the business version of 'Bambi Meets Godzilla'-

It takes a minute, but you'll see my point.



Audioholic Spartan
No, but if he didn't do what he was accused of or didn't do what he's credited for, corrections are needed.

The 'people' you refer to are you and a couple of others. Anyone who actually knows me is aware of my feelings for him.
Really :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.
There's nothing wrong with that if you want to pay more. Complaining about our corporations though when they've moved half the world away and boat the goods back because it's still cheaper doesn't make much sense.
It makes perfect sense- they can't compete on price, but the question is, Why not?

An example- when the US had slapped tariffs on many good from Japan, some of their limber companies were buying timber from the Pacific NW, taking it out to international waters on their ships, processing it into plywood and bringing it back in a short time, to sell to US-based companies for less than they could make it. This also allowed them to avoid the tariffs, especially if they were flying another country's flag. If they could buy a ship, outfit it for processing lumber into plywood, staff it, fuel it and make the end products for less than a US company with a facility that doesn't freaking move, something is wrong with the US-based companies. Even now, a lot of lumber products come from outside of the US and I'm not referring to Canada- a lot comes from Brazil, which should be no surprise since they have been deforesting the rain forests for decades.


Audioholic Slumlord
Some people said it goes farther than audio and I agree. For me, nothing indicates this better than the 2010 BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. I was in Clearwater, FL pre-2010 (one of my best vaca ever) and then again for AH GTG in 2012 (right before Sandy) The stench of oil in the air was terrible and unavoidable. I know that BP gas stations are franchises, but since they still get their gas from BP directly (I assume) since 2012 I refuse to refill my car in any BP gas stations.


Audioholic Spartan
Should a thread title end with a preposition? Work on that one, everybody, and lighten up.;)


You are right on. I know you will draw flames on this, but good on you.


Audioholics Master Chief
Some people said it goes farther than audio and I agree. For me, nothing indicates this better than the 2010 BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. I was in Clearwater, FL pre-2010 (one of my best vaca ever) and then again for AH GTG in 2012 (right before Sandy) The stench of oil in the air was terrible and unavoidable. I know that BP gas stations are franchises, but since they still get their gas from BP directly (I assume) since 2012 I refuse to refill my car in any BP gas stations.
Same, I won't buy gas at BP still to this day.


Audioholic Samurai
Yeah, head over to the Exxon station.:D
Exxon is out of the retail gas business but they do much more damage with their exploration and refining business but I get what you are saying. Exxon Valdez was enough for them to not be trusted.
BP is just as bad. The movie Deep water horizon was a good has to scare the crap out of anyone. That's an example of capitalism gone crazy. Very, very sad but we got a great Mark Wahlberg movie out of it. Sound and bass is incredible. I wish we didn't have the accident and in turn a need for the movie.

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk


Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, was just a joke to make a point. Businesses do not have ethics. Those belong to people. If anyone really cared that much about it, they'd get off of their ass and off of the grid and go do a walkabout and never return. We are all culpable. Is the dealer solely to blame if the consumer has an insatiable desire for the product? Is the title of the thread ever going to change? Are we going to let grammar fall to the wayside as well?;)


Audioholic Slumlord
Exxon is out of the retail gas business
Not around here in new-joicey - plenty of ExxonMobil gas stations.
but they do much more damage with their exploration and refining business but I get what you are saying. Exxon Valdez was enough for them to not be trusted.
BP is just as bad.
Valdez spillage was estimated to be around 11 million gallons of crude oil. Deep Water Horizon was 130 million gallons into gulf water with minimal to none water circulation...
The movie Deep water horizon was a good has to scare the crap out of anyone. That's an example of capitalism gone crazy. Very, very sad but we got a great Mark Wahlberg movie out of it. Sound and bass is incredible. I wish we didn't have the accident and in turn a need for the movie.
To quote classic Alan Rickman's Metatron: "You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it? ". That said I completely forgot about that movie - I guess I'll look for it.


Audioholic Jedi
I've been voting with my consumer dollars for years. I may not realize all situations at time of purchase....altho I do recognize a couple from the list that I'd never buy from for a variety of reasons not even listed. It's the best form of democracy many can participate in....

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