Didn't mean to go all 'Uni-Bomber Manifesto' about media bias.

I'll have to endeavor not to drink in the AM before posting.

Don't want to rant about a bias media without backing it up a little.
Below IMO a couple of examples:
On the first day of the shooting ABC news claimed , that there was a guy named James Holmes registered as a Tea Party member.
It turned out not to be the same guy.
The fact that they reported it without really knowing, and that they went (of all places) to search for Tea Party affiliation, tells me there is a systemic bias.
Another, example, is how the safe and successful use of a firearm for protection is rarely or never reported.
How do I know this?
The NRA magazine dedicates a page or two each month to 8 to 12 instances of actual home defense, called 'The Armed Citizen.'
Stories taken from local newspapers that never make nation news.
How is that a 12 year old, home alone after school, defends herself with a gun from a home intruder never makes national news?
Yet another 12 Y O that gets shot accidentally makes national news.