Reminds me of my first system. I like the look of the centre channel. For some reason I have to like how the speaker looks or I won't even give it a try. Weird huh?
Um....shouldn't that be PB-12
NSD/V? But don't you think that two of those is a little much for such a small room?
Edit: Where are you hiding those Pioneer HPM-100s? I'd like to get my hands on something like that. They look bloody awsome. See above comment.

I think I better hit some yard sales this summer. You never know what one could find for $5.
I'll put those right next to my Soundtech C600 system that I've only used twice. Both times to play "Boombtang boys - popcorn". Poor neighbours. I think they should move out of their semi and get a real house. muhahahahahahaha.