Hey John,
I have thick hide, er...fur. Besides, my wife does a great job of poking fun at me. Dumb and "Dummer" great movie, remember the bathroom scene? We'll we knew this female "hot shot" skier (at least she thought she was) and believe it or not she went through that, only worse. It happens that she starts bragging to a group of five vodka drinking gonzo skiers that she can outdrink them, well she tried, she ended inebriated in the bathroom, defecating all over herself, which she then proceeded to smear on the walls in her drunken stupor, one of the guy's wife had to go in there, hose her down, don rubber gloves and scrub the walls. Next day she acted as if nothing happened.

And that's a true story my friend! When they got back to Miami, a week later Dumb and Dumber debuted on the big screen and of course you can imagine the laughter at the movies, she turned down many an invite to watch that fateful flick. She was snotty and cruel to people so I took no pity on her.