Saw Speakers In A Window

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Audioholic Jedi
So just because the speakers I sell happen to be my favorite speakers, I am supposed to have no voice? That's not of human fairness
No, you're just supposed to act as a vendor. This is an enthusiast's site more than a guerilla advertising site for doofuses
Morgan Audio

Morgan Audio

@Morgan Audio : In your apology thread where you made sure everyone was aware that you're physically challenged, I figured you were merely bragging about your primary use equipment. I won't fault anyone for being proud of their favorite gear, dealer or not. Your announcing your handicap was a red flag, but I figured maybe you were just weird, completely independent of your infirmity. I was prepared not to judge. But now I suspect that you're not only weird, but also attempting to exploit your handicap, expecting our tolerance for your deplorable behavior. Words fail to express how I'm not OK with this.

I didn't recognize that to be the beginning of regular unsolicited (and unpaid) advertisements. Please stop it.

And this stuff:

wow, judges and executioners. I only mentioned the disability to help others understand why I spend so much time in front of my audio system and why it's soo important to me. You are just meanto to others who aren't as smart as you. I am so very sorry i ain't perfect like you or to be more specific, like you. Your holier than though intention was to make me feel small and u did an excellent job. You should feel even more wonderful about yourself than you already do.

... exposes you as an outright fraud. You lied then admitted it without contrition, without regret, without pleas for forgiveness, and without any acknowledgement at all that your deception was in any way bad. Indeed, quite the opposite happened:

How do you expect to earn any friends or respect with this sort of behavior? I'm finished with you. I'm reporting every future thread you start as spam. And if it weren't for ADTG, I'd be finished with RBH as well because of you.

wow, judges and executioners. I only mentioned the disability to help others understand why I spend so much time in front of my audio system and why it's soo important to me. You are just meanto to others who aren't as smart as you. I am so very sorry i ain't perfect like you or to be more specific, like you. Your holier than though intention was to make me feel small and u did an excellent job. You should feel even more wonderful about yourself than you already do.
Morgan Audio

Morgan Audio

lol, the 6' monster that walks around beating up little kids. You should be ashamed of your outlook on others. Unless your God and then I accept all you say as the word, otherwise your just a man, so stop being so mean. You can do things in a kind way, you dont have to be a jerk


Audioholic Jedi
lol, the 6' monster that walks around beating up little kids. You should be ashamed of your outlook on others. Unless your God and then I accept all you say as the word, otherwise your just a man, so stop being so mean. You can do things in a kind way, you dont have to be a jerk
LOL just when you think we've sunk more than low....
Morgan Audio

Morgan Audio

Yep, that's exactly what I think everytime I see one of your post but I'll let you win. Go ahead, post again. Belittle me all you want and get your *last word* in and then be done. I am trying sir to learn here and I am doing my best, I am truly sorry my best doesn't please you, because I actually do live my life trying to please people and make people happy and until I got to audioholics, I was doing an excellent job. Just please remember, you dont have to make someone feel stupid to get your point across.

God Bless you sir and I forgive you. The End


Audioholic Jedi
So just because the speakers I sell happen to be my favorite speakers, I am supposed to have no voice? That's not of human fairness
As Bruce Hornsby would say, "That's just the way it is." :)

Just take my advice and talk about other things for a few months. :)
Morgan Audio

Morgan Audio

Yes sir, working on that. Spent the night looking up thins of interest to me and helping where I could and commenting where I felt might be appreciated.

Thank u sir


Audioholic Samurai
AND MY FRIEND - my ICON says MORGAN AUDIO WITH RBH IN THE MIDDLE, I mean come oin, how can I be hiding when I am boldly professing
RBH was the first time. Now it's Les Hudson, (not in your icon). Next I'm expecting Amway. I quit reading your threads, at least for a while. Maybe I'll check in a couple months and see if you took ADTG's good advice.


Audioholic Samurai
I am truly sorry my best doesn't please you....
That's not even close to the apology you should be offering. Do you not even recognize that deception is immoral? Have you not noticed that you're the only vendor spamming his products in forum threads? Can you with your considerable imagination and creativity think of any reasons why that might be?

Let me see if I can put it another way. You're a tribble. You started off kind of cute, fuzzy, and pitiful, maybe a little quirky, and now we're flooded with your professions of love and adoration for RBH gear.

This would not be acceptable even if you weren't a dealer. It's irritating.

We don't hate dealers at all. I'm usually very interested to read what a dealer has to say. More often than not, the dealers who do post here post with great insight and wisdom. They are experts. They do this stuff for a living, and they do it well enough to make a living doing it. You can clearly see the "Likes Received" to "Messages" ratio tends to be much higher for experts than for plebs like me.

But fluffy praise for every product you sell offers neither insight nor wisdom. We like data. We like science. We like graphs showing unsmoothed frequency response on-axis, off-axis, impedance curves, basically the pictures you see here, here, here, and so on. We value facts over opinions. Making up stories of driving by car audio shops and noticing horns in the window, or any other narrative that didn't actually happen, offers neither insight nor wisdom. Praising the virtues of every product in your catalog is... well, you get the idea.

And besides, if everything in your catalog is the greatest thing you've ever seen or heard, that only says to us that you aren't critical. You can never tell us how the RBH SX series compares and contrasts with the JBL Studio series, or with the KEF Q series, because we already know what you're going to say, and we have no way of knowing whether you mean what you say. You've cried wolf too many times. You are meaningless noise doing nothing to improve our understanding. Maybe that perception can be changed, given enough time and clean living.

Be wise. Be insightful. Be honest. Don't be a spammer.


Audioholic Ninja least 17 replies from Mr. Morgan to threads dating back to the birth of this forum.

I understand wanting to contribute as a means of goodwill. It does NOT happen this way. Instead, this is commonly known as SPAM.

Wow. I'm no saint but that is just over the top. something you build. something you earn.

Neither is something you can buy.
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Audioholic Samurai
this is commonly known as SPAM.
Anybody else happen to notice the top 18 threads in a row, in the Loudspeaker category, were last posted in by this guy? Middle of the night, about 3-4 minutes apart. He's apparently a pretty fast reader to digest and reply to each thread that quickly. I'm sure each reply is carefully thought out and considered.


A character with character
Alright folks, no point in jumping on the guy too much. He's getting a one week cool down to think about better ways to approach the forum.
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