As reasoning creatures, we have the ability to analyze others' actions, individually, collectively or culturally. We also have the ability to pass judgement on these actions. While you may set your threshold of acceptable conduct at might makes right, the basest of animal instincts, I prefer to hold humans to a higher standard, befitting of a reasoning species. Just because we cannot alter or affect the actions of others, does not mean that we have to accept it as befitting a rational human existence. We can hold up the moral/rational bar and measure others to that standard even if they perpetually fail. If we fail to hold this standard and the bar falls to the lowest common level, then our reason has failed us and we will live as animals ourselves.
[Warning...philosophy below]
Dave, the phenomenon involved is the cultural self-definition that results from the combining of individuals into the first community/state and all states thereafter. The fact is, we ARE reasoning creatures that have, after thousands of years, more and more narrowly defined our 'reasoned' focus into what you see around you today. Why is it that we still have such
immoral collective behavior?
I think we all agree here with your sentiments of what
should exist as universal laws/morals/values by which to live. But reasoning need not apply. You want to apply reasoning based upon your values. That's exactly what the Saudis are doing in this rape case, but are applying reasoning to
their values. The fact is that you wish for a utopian dream. Why, now, as the most advanced specimens of reasoned humanity, is there such inhumanity to man in all countries, ours included? When you answer that question and you'll see why many here have adopted a give-a-crap-less about the stone age states of the middle east...or how they treat their members. Here's one crass truth ... to get those states to behave reasonably under your value system, we'll have to kill them, defeat them in war, and then apply OUR standards upon them to get what you want...more western values/treatment. And still, after that, within our own state boundaries, there will yet be oppressed people.
Having developed my personal political attitudes in the '60's, I thoroughly agree that there is much to be strived for to find equality of treatment and peace in the world. Having lived too many years, I've also become resigned to the depressing reality of the matter. Even after (or
before) accepting the notion that we are highly developed, intelligent individuals ... humans
are animals.
I've been given one negative chiclet in my time here. The angry individual (who evidently had no idea what the era was all about), amidst his diatribe, said one thing that is so true..."The 60's are so over man." See?! Self-defined behavior.