RX-V2600 Audioholics Review?



Republican Poster Boy
Rooz said:
one thing that id like your feedback on...the denon 3805 seemed to drive boston VR-3 speakers better at volume...is there a reason for that or was it just my imagination ??
There would be very little difference in the volume levels these receivers could drive 4-8-ohm speakers at. If anything, the Yammie might have just a touch more oomph, however, it would be doubtful you would be able to hear it at all. In the past the Denon's were a little better into 4ohms but yamaha has addressed that issue with the 2600/4600.


1080p and the RX-V2600

Good People,

I can now report an experience with 10080p and the Yamaha.

Set Up Marantz DV-9600 -> Yamaha -> Panasonic AE-900.

Set the Marantz to all the usual formats - including 480i - get a great image.

Tried 1080p - got an image (unstable) via HDMI that looked too big and did not fit on screen. So at least something was getting to the projector. The Panasonic Manual says it does 1080/24p so I was just hopeful it might work. The is also the possibility that the 15 metre cable was too long I guess

Other observations so far are that based on the HQV tests the de-interlacing in the Panasonic is way better than the Marantz and the Yamaha (Jaggies 2 gets 10 out of 10 and the motor car detail in the stands locks almost instantly)

The good thing about the Yamaha is that you can decide what happens with each source - so I use the scaler to 720p for cable and broadcast TV and have it off for the DVD.

Hope this provides another brick in the wall.




rx-v2600 turning off

Today my yamaha began turning off every 14 minutes or so. I unpluged it and turned the fan to always on and it still turns off. The 2600 doesn't have enough time to get really hot like it did. It's in a well ventilated sanus rack. It could use more space above it but its not getting hot to the touch. I haven't had the unit long and I only have front speakers (8 ohm) hooked to the main inputs. It's currently in the bedroom and not used much. Once my 42" spectre lcd gets delivered it will get more use in the family room downstairs.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Audioholic Intern
davidmore said:
Set Up Marantz DV-9600 -> Yamaha -> Panasonic AE-900.

Tried 1080p - got an image (unstable) via HDMI that looked too big and did not fit on screen. So at least something was getting to the projector. The Panasonic Manual says it does 1080/24p so I was just hopeful it might work. The is also the possibility that the 15 metre cable was too long I guess
Hi David, thanks for testing the 1080p stuff. What happens when you connect the DV-9600 to the Pana using the 1080/??p (can it push out 24 frames - or more likly it will be 50 or 60 frames which could be the issues as well).



Turning OFF

Hi Rick,

Sounds like you have a 'sick puppy' to me. Other thoughts are that the main vents on the Yamaha are at the top - so you really need airflow at the top.

Second - make sure the Zone 2/3 stuff is not active but not connected. That seems to stop mine ever cooling down - as it now does once they were fully disengaged - don't use them.

Regards the 1080p - to get direct from Panny to the Yamaha is a major deal cable wise...and I am not wanting to move all the gear around..sorry - besides it can't stay like that so the answer does not help.




Audioholic Intern
davidmore said:
Good People,
The good thing about the Yamaha is that you can decide what happens with each source - so I use the scaler to 720p for cable and broadcast TV and have it off for the DVD.

Hope this provides another brick in the wall.


how did you do that. can you let me know what section that is in. i'd also like to turn it off for dvd.


Audioholic Intern
ricsam said:
Today my yamaha began turning off every 14 minutes or so. I unpluged it and turned the fan to always on and it still turns off. The 2600 doesn't have enough time to get really hot like it did. It's in a well ventilated sanus rack. It could use more space above it but its not getting hot to the touch.

as someone else mentioned the yammy disperses heat from above. my older model 995 had the same problem. i cleared a big space above the amp and the problem disappeared immediately and it's still going strong almost 10 (?) years later.

also, if you have doors on the cabinet it is in, remove them or don;t close them when the unit is on.


can somebody please help me with this question.

we have a 2600 (still in box). initially we intended to run a 5.1 system with 2 speakers for outdoor use using zone 2.

is it correct that if we set it up as a 7.1 setup that we will not be able to use zone 2 for outdoor speakers? or is it possible to have both?

thanks in advance.



Thanks for the replies:). I removed the 20 inch tv from the top shelf and put the rx-v2600 in its place. It now has complete ventilation including the internal fan. Zone 2/3 indicators are not on based on the front panel. After 6 minutes of playing the tuner it shut off:( . Turned it on again and it turned off after 3 minutes. The unit doesn't even have time to get warm. Since this was a replacement of my RX-V1 direct from Yamaha, I will call them tomorrow and see what my options are.

Thanks Again,



Rooz said:
how did you do that. can you let me know what section that is in. i'd also like to turn it off for dvd.
It just happens based on the source selected at the time you set the video options in the manual set up. Each different source can be have video options set for it..just select DVD as source and go in and switch on/off what you want.


I believe you can have both at the same time. You simply cannot power both at the same time. You also cannot have both Presence speakers and a Zone 2 speaker connected at the same time without using an external IMPEDANCE-MATCHING speaker switch.

The good news, is that the Yamaha is smart enough to auto-switch the amplifier so that you get 7.1 in the main room when the Zone 2 is off and you are playing 7.1-capable content.

You'll need to use the GUI to select INT: BOTH for the Zone 2 amplifier.


Audioholic Spartan
ironlung said:
See the Yam 2500 review and add this line to the bottom.

"...the 2600 adds a cantankerous, already obsolete, HDMI switching without audio support for a few hundred dollar premium to its predecesor..."
Cool, then my 2500 is good enough.


Junior Audioholic
How Does it Compare to the 4600?

Clint, right now at my local home theater shop, they are having a terrific sale on the 4600. What I want to know is: Is there any difference in sound quality between the 2600 and the 4600. If so, which sounds better? Do the burr-Brown DACS make a difference in the sound quality? If given the choice, which one would you prefer?
gmichael said:
Cool, then my 2500 is good enough.
Actually, if you read through this thread you'll see that the person you quoted was completely incorrect in his assessment of new features.
eddie said:
Clint, right now at my local home theater shop, they are having a terrific sale on the 4600. What I want to know is: Is there any difference in sound quality between the 2600 and the 4600. If so, which sounds better? Do the burr-Brown DACS make a difference in the sound quality? If given the choice, which one would you prefer?
I really would not get an RX-V4600 over the RX-V2600 at this point. Not with the measurements I took and knowing the capabilities and features of the 2600 over the 4600.


HDCP error

Hi there

Happy owner to a 2600 since yesterday. So far very very impressed with this unit. However, there is one irritating thing - I keep getting an error message "HDMI ERROR" and a flashing "HDCP ERROR" when my proj is switched off. I have a Hitachi PJ-TX100 connected via DVI/HDMI adapter & then DVI cable to the proj.

The manual says:
"Some video monitors connected to this unit via a DVI connection fail to recognize the HDMI audio signals being input if they are in the standby mode. In this case, the HDMI indicator flashes irregularly and HDCP ERROR appears in the front panel display as if the DVI monitors do not support the HDCP copy protection standards."

OK - that's helpful... But how do I get rid of this annoying message - apart from pulling out the HDMI jack every time when not watching the proj?:confused: :confused: :confused:

Grateful for advice!!



Junior Audioholic
I really would not get an RX-V4600 over the RX-V2600 at this point. Not with the measurements I took and knowing the capabilities and features of the 2600 over the 4600.
That's all I wanted to hear. Now I know I'll have time to save!


Audioholic Spartan
Clint DeBoer said:
Actually, if you read through this thread you'll see that the person you quoted was completely incorrect in his assessment of new features.
I really would not get an RX-V4600 over the RX-V2600 at this point. Not with the measurements I took and knowing the capabilities and features of the 2600 over the 4600.
I believe the 4600 can drive tougher speakers than the 2600. Also add HD radio. Is it worth the extra $$$? Depends on your budget & speakers.

Think I'll stick with my 2500 for a bit. Let's see what comes out this fall.


Audioholic Intern
i'm not sure this is correct, since your projector is NOT 1080p but rather 720p.

i think either gene or clint said the 2600 would NOT pass a 1080p signal.

davidmore said:
Good People,

I can now report an experience with 10080p and the Yamaha.

Set Up Marantz DV-9600 -> Yamaha -> Panasonic AE-900.

Set the Marantz to all the usual formats - including 480i - get a great image.

Tried 1080p - got an image (unstable) via HDMI that looked too big and did not fit on screen. So at least something was getting to the projector. The Panasonic Manual says it does 1080/24p so I was just hopeful it might work. The is also the possibility that the 15 metre cable was too long I guess

Other observations so far are that based on the HQV tests the de-interlacing in the Panasonic is way better than the Marantz and the Yamaha (Jaggies 2 gets 10 out of 10 and the motor car detail in the stands locks almost instantly)

The good thing about the Yamaha is that you can decide what happens with each source - so I use the scaler to 720p for cable and broadcast TV and have it off for the DVD.

Hope this provides another brick in the wall.




Audioholic Intern
yam2600 vs the competition

i'm a happy camper with my Yamaha 2600. thx for the strong endorsement. it was a big improvement in features and sound over my ancient HK (which was a great unit in its day).

but i would like to know how the Y2600 stacks up against the competition; specifically, the Outlaw 1070 denon 3806, etc...

btw, i noticed today that onecall has the expensive boston acoustics AVR7120 on sale: original $3000. Now $998.
at this price point, which is the better choice? thx


Audioholic Intern
Clint DeBoer said:
1080p over HDMI is supported by the HDMI spec, but needs to be enabled and implemented by the hardware manufacturer. Now that I have a 1080p display and source in house I'll test this. My current understanding is that the Yamaha RX-V2600 will not pass 1080p, but I will verify this week.
Hi Clint,
Have you had a chance to check this out yet?

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