RX-V2400 THX & EX DPIIx Bug?



<font color='#000000'>I seem to have a problem getting the EX and THX modes to work as I think they should... (BTW I have the DPIIx model)

The EX Modes.... when I put it to Auto I expect that when I put in an DD EX disk (such Monster Inc &amp; LOR) that sound will automatically come out of the back surround speakers. &nbsp;There is no sound....and the EX indicator on the front panel is not lit up.

The THX Optimizer on Monster Inc.... which circles through each speaker has sound coming out of the surrounds but not the back surrounds.

When I use the DPIIx mode (selected with the EX button on the remote) there is sound. &nbsp;

My second Issue is the THX. &nbsp;I expect (from posts and reading the manual) that I can listen to a DD EX source with THX turned on ... but when I turn on the THX the back surrounds turn off... (I believe it is just reverting back to DPL) with this mode... in other words I don't get the THX mode when DPIIx is selected. &nbsp;

My hypothesis is that somehow the DPIIx upgrade has:

1) affected the EX/ES channels &nbsp;so that they do not work properly...
2) Because of point 1 above the THX no longer applies/works with DD EX (as advertised) as well it also does not work with DPIIx.

Thoughts, suggestion?, help?</font>


<font color='#000000'>Sorry Wasabi, but your thread is not working, despite my changing the astricks to that other site... somthing about a database being down... you could try e-mailing the link to daviddub@telusplanet.net if you want?</font>


<font color='#000000'>Try it agian ay, they have been doing site maintenance over there recently. I just tried it, it works.</font>

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